Please return survival back to ranged or give hunters a 4th spec

It was a disaster. SV had more utility, was mobile ranged, and didn’t have to be anal about resource/time management to squeeze every ounce of potential (MM). Or have a blasé rotation (BM). SV was fun. I could flub my rotation and wouldn’t be severely penalized dps wise. So much so that I rarely switched specs. I don’t have the discipline to play MM and that seemed a high pressure spec. (Jeez those guys were good and they let you know it).

SV could be fun in PvP. At least I thought so the few times I ventured in that. Setting an ambush and with the right pets and glyphs, I could almost keep a rogue stun-locked or stop a group in their tracks and kite em.

So yeah, the loss of RSV was the worse thing that ever happened to the class.


My alternate main was a Demo warlock…

I’m against a fourth spec because it isn’t warranted or deserved, and opens a can of worms.

RSV was always the worst spec, so it got cut, end of story.

RSV was a bad “mobile dot dps” version of Marksman. It was never good, other than when 2x explosive shot was a thing.

Besides, having the RSV playstyle implemented through MM talents, is much more realistic.

And you misspelled “best thing that happened to the class.”

Literally can’t remember what survival was like before the change. I feel like any early Surv players were a minority and it’s unlikely this will be reverted.

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No, my real agenda is the return of the spec I played for years. But in the specific reference that I was quoting and they were referencing is leaving the current melee spec and recreating survival.

However, if deleting the current melee garbo got the actual spec back, sure, I’d hit that button a thousand times. Because it shouldn’t exist. If there is anyway to assign priority, it would obviously be the one that came first. BUT, I’d still prefer it just got a 4th spec. I’d rather no one lose a spec, not me and the literal thousands who miss their spec that was stolen, and not those who enjoy the current.

But you’re like, trying to take a righteous stand against something that is saying exactly what you’re saying.

No I didn’t say make fewer. You said that. Keep your stupid words out of my post. Cause they are yours. So if you’re going to try to argue against a point, at least make sure you’re talking to someone who is saying something different. Otherwise it kinda looks wrong, doesn’t it?


You know what’s really sad is if you are even interested in Melee Survival the Hunter Forums treat you like a leper and will consistently attack you over it because you liking Melee Survival somehow translates to it being your fault Ranged Survival was removed.

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I love people who are too blind or ignorant to look at public data that shows just how popular RSV was. If anything, MSV is a severe minority and thus, per your logic should be reverted.

But, the vast majority of us who played RSV aren’t asking for MSV to be removed. We want our spec back. The spec that literally dominated WoW as the most popular spec for alts. The spec that consistently had insane PvE and PvP representation even during periods when it wasn’t the best.

I was also wondering when you’d make an appearance. Still clueless as always though, can’t say I’m surprised since you’ve literally in the past said you like MSV because it feels like your Warrior, of which you’ve even went as far to say that MSV should lose to its pet, to further homogenize it with the Warrior class.

The vast majority of MSV fans are trolls who are too blind to understand that last bit. They would rather scream nonsense while inciting just to incite.


Yes. I gathered that a while back. It’s opinion however that Melee Survival is a “garbo spec” as you so eloquently put it. It’s not a fact. There’s a fundamental difference in opinion and fact, which you seem to not grasp. In any event, it certainly wasn’t something that required you to write up another dissertation on the subject, when you could have referenced the matter in supra.

Your words were clear the first time, as was your animosity toward people who enjoy Melee Survival.

This sort of over the top ranting merely reinforces my belief in your animosity toward any view that does not expressly align with your own. A free lesson in etiquette. You might of been taught on social media that by being an internet tough-guy you could win arguments, by brow-beating and shouting down the opposition; but every now and again you’ll run into people that are not so easily cowed or intimidated.

I’m afraid I’m not built for such concessions. So no, I won’t leave this thread.

Instead I’ll keep voicing the reasons that I believe your idea is a very bad one, and I will hope that Blizzard does not heed you on any level. Given my past experiences with Blizzard, and the fact that Legion encoded Melee Survival into the long term DNA of the game, I suspect your better off asking for a new spec to be created. In this we agree. In the case of you wanting Melee Survival deleted because it’s a ‘garbo spec’ we disagree fundamentally.

Telling Survival Hunters that like Melee Survival, to proverbially ‘go to hell’ is not going to win your argument. Rather it merely shows that you lack any real solutions, or possess any views that can be related in an educated and intelligent manner. Attacking players who like Melee Survival isn’t solving a problem. It is however creating forum unrest.

As much as I would love old Pre-Voidform Shadow back, I have to concede that there are people who like Voidform, so those people need to be a part of any dialogue Priests have. I have said otherwise in the past, since I do actually understand your frustration. But when I paused to really analyze the situation I realized that was the only reasonable way we’d ever get anywhere was by approaching the situation with the community as a whole.

Demanding Voidform’s deletion is not a true solution.
Neither is demanding Melee Survival’s deletion.

But hey, by all means feel free to continue this emotional train-wreck of a thread, and continue spewing vitriol at your fellow forum-goers. I am ‘sure’ that making hyperbolic and vapid statements that showcase a raw emotional state; rather than speaking from a position of intelligence and logic will win your argument.

Translation: ‘‘I have what I want. But no one else should.’’

You think what you want. That still does not automatically add value to your arguments/claims.

If you want others to take you seriously, at least try to see it from their point of view. Instead of gloating in the fact that you got something at the loss of others.

Isn’t the main argument that you like your spec and we shouldn’t be advocating for it’s removal, or for an overhaul?

Then how come you have no problem saying that this should be done to other specs?

But yeah, ‘‘as long as nothing affects your spec’’, right?

MSV players are a minority in sheer numbers. Old RSV, and the players were often at or near the top of the list in terms of representation.

A select few do this yes. But most only speak against MSV and it’s players when those players go about bashing on the old SV(RSV), which a lot of players liked.

Need I say more? @Rozlas


He have also said that he would want for BM and MM to become melee specs as well.

I mean…

Which is what many of us are doing.

And that’s being met by the likes of Kindwolf.

We’ll keep fighting for it’s return. Hope to see you back soon!


Ah, so you don’t want players to have choices based on personal opinion. How about we cut your favorite warrior spec, and replace it with with something new and interesting. Then you can argue about why it should come back, and be told it was cut for whatever reason.

This is essentially what you are doing currently, only caring about your opinion and what you like, and can’t accept maybe other people disagree, and don’t enjoy MSV, and don’t enjoy the other ranged spec, therefore essentially had their character deleted. But I am done arguing with a brick wall like you that will never accept that.


After the poor reception they got last time I highly doubt they will do something so disruptive to current Survival Hunters. The only chance of this ever getting reverted was in the early days of Legion beta, and even then it was likely too late.

I’m of the opinion that if we do ever get 4th specs they should do away with DPS only classes altogether, so when it comes to Hunter I’d rather them get a tank spec. Could bounce threat back and forth between the hunter and their pet or something like that for a unique playstyle.

lol all you did was taking a quote from what i said, people play bm or mm because it does more damage than survival, with the same gear, i pull more dps as bm or mm but the gameplay is much more boring

What about those of us who like melee hunter? Or those of us that unlocked most of the artifact apperances for survival?

You guys want your old spec but there are those of us that do enjoy the spec as it is now. I doubt they are going to ever have survival go back to range after Legion, as that would also mean having to design a brand new artifact for ranged survival that you’ll only use for a few days at best.

Leave melee survival alone. Let those of us that enjoy ehat we have now enjoy it.

I can’t answer that, I don’t know the inner workings of Blizzards strategies.

I see a lot of hunters in Classic preferring that design. Again, you’re presenting your opinion as fact. This is what makes the argument weak.

it definitely makes it unique. It’s not the defining feature. Again, if you’re basing you’re entire argument on the vanilla handbook and not the retail definition you take all of it my man. Again, you’re basing your argument as opinon and not fact. This a weak argument.

This is the official retail definition of hunter. What!? on features, melee damage is listed first!? It must be the most important!!!

Bepples you prefer ranged, you’re biased. Therefore your opinion is invalid and you’re ignorant.

Did you miss this part?

Class Information

Hunters battle their foes at a distance, commanding their pets to attack while they nock their arrows and fire their guns. Though their missile weapons are effective at short and long ranges, hunters are also highly mobile. They can evade or restrain their foes to control the arena of battle.


That’s True! But look at features! It takes up more space, and thus it makes it more important. The first thing on features? Melee! Since it’s first it’s actually the Defining feature of the class!

I’m going to assume you literally haven’t read a dang thing in this thread. Because if you had, you would know that we aren’t advocating for the removal of Melee Survival because it does have a community. We want Ranged Survival, the spec some of us played for over a decade, to come back as a fourth spec.

I mean, I’m a completionist so I unlocked a ton of the artifact appearances(including all 36 from the Mage Tower). As well as all 4 color variants from Honor. Balance of Power too. I’ll straight up admit that some of the appearances for Survival’s artifact were gorgeous, the blue PvP appearance reminds of of a updated Sonic Spear, which I couldn’t help but smile about.

Again, no one is saying to remove MSV in favor of RSV. A lot of the issue arises when MSV fanatics troll and incite those of us who loved RSV and just want our spec back as a fourth. We could care less about MSV’s removal. But it’s insulting, childish and downright hypocrisy when the vast majority of those who like MSV(which are a minority) clamor on about “Leave my spec alone, don’t mess with any specs!”, completely ignoring the fact that for the minority who enjoys MSV to get MSV, the majority who loved RSV had to lose their spec.

Thus, a 4th spec. It lets the MSV fans be happy while letting those of us who long for RSV to make a return be happy as well. Everyone wins!

The artifact itself wouldn’t even be an issue since traits and the artifact ability are no longer used. As such, slap RSV into the MM artifact questline, letting both specs use the weapon. Or just ignore artifacts completely and let us fend for ourselves using a vendor(class hall quartermaster) weapon, or even a heirloom which a lot already do, while we level through Legion content if we so choose.


As I have said before, MSV is fine and can remain, by why can’t those who enjoyed RSV get their play style back via a 4th spec. As for the artifact weapon issue, with the SL leveling revamp, you don’t even have to go to Legion therefore, and as others have said, the artifact weapons are dead on arrival now, so the heirloom ranged weapons can just as easily be used.