Please rethink Beledar

To be fair…yeah, these are two completely different scenarios. Soundless was horrible to farm even while BfA was current. It has only gotten worse in the years that followed. I only ever got to kill him a few times myself. Tamed him once though, but I can count the number of encounters on one hand, including the tame. In the past week, I killed Beledar at least 9-10 times. lol I got Beledar’s Spawn, but I still don’t have Soundless either.

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There’s actually an item, Beledar’s Attunement, that you can eventually buy at Rank 23 that will display the location of Beledar’s Spawn. They could just move that to an earlier rank. Or give people a consumable item earlier on that displays the spawn point.

As an aside, I have the mount and I’m not against making it easier for other people to try and farm it.

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It’s open world content no one cares lol

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I just don’t understand why people find it absolutely acceptable to be a douchebag because its an online game. – Online anonymity has turned people into children. No respect for each other. Just hoping to bully the next person they find because it makes them feel good. Main Character Syndrome at its finest.

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Let’s rephrase this in that case, shall we?
You go out to a zone and you plan to do some world quests, kill some rares if you find any, basic gameplay stuff. Folks are active in the chat and folks are talking about whatever, folks are just plain ol’ having fun and socializing.

Then you see a rare on your minimap and you go to kill it. After all, that’s what you were there for. But a random person arrives late and berates you for not waiting since “I could’ve had the chance to get a mount.”
Were the person childish for playing the game?

Let’s back it up. Folks are being silly in the chat and you have some folks blindly obvious trolling each other in harmless prankster fashions. Folks are very clearly not taking things seriously in the chat at all. But you see a rare and call it out but don’t think to ping it. Another person it the chat puts a ping into the chat that you know is wrong because that’s not where the rare is.
Was that person being childish? Actually perhaps. Was it wrong for the person to do so? To do such an egregiously offensive thing as … checks notes … putting a ping elsewhere than where a rare was? No. It’d be pretty silly to even suggest such a thing, childish sure, but in the context of this … that doesn’t really mean much except “I got tricked for a harmless joke.”

You were right to bring this up… but it has nothing to do with the folks talking in the chat, being non-serious, having fun, playing the game, or anything else like that.

It has to do with the person who is upset that folks playing a social game chose to be silly and trick people in a non-trivial fashion. And get so upset about it that rather than to put the person on ignore, if it was genuinely that upsetting, but instead to create a forum post about it … or to respond to someone simply pointing out that social interactions do happen in social games. Including folks tricking each others for the fun of it.

This isn’t rocket science, but it is clear who has a lil’bit of a “Main Character”-esque aspect to themselves.

They’ve already created a solution to this with an item that is sold by the QM vendor, which shows his location.

Yeah I know. It’s been said repeatedly in this thread that at renown 23 you can see the spawn if you buy an item from the quartermaster.

Not sure how that’s supposed to stop people from blowing their cooldowns and popping this rare like a zit but thanks for your input.

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You’re welcome. I wasn’t about to read over 60 posts about a topic with a solution in place. If you’re in the middle of the zone when he spawns and know the location, you would have no trouble getting there before he dies. Those popping all their CD’s are just as clueless about where he’ll spawn.

Harmless as it is, its still being a rude for nothing but personal gain. You don’t know that person, did they laugh at the prank at the end? – If a prank ends with the person more upset after the punchline, not a joke. Its an inconvenience. If ruining someone’s mood is perfectly acceptable, I’m sorry that you feel that way.

It’s not hard to be nice, it actually feels good. Especially, if that person ends up getting the mount and sends a Thank You. You and other’s that share your mentality should try it sometime. It feels better knowing you helped someone, than forgetting about the laugh you had at their expense 5 minutes later.

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Drop the victim complex. No it ain’t rude to talk or make jokes, it is barely (if at all) rude to trick people in circumstances where the stakes quite literally are non-existent. This tirade you are going on screams of the same mentality people have of “it is rude to cause players to die via fall damage or via elevator deaths.”

No it isn’t. If you dislike social interactions, don’t engage with other people.

More victim complex:ing when I have said nothing of the sort. What I have said, and I do stand by it, is that if you were upset to the degree that you and Tovi were at this, you put that person on mute and don’t interact socially again. No one is going to have their mood be ruined for the sole purpose that someone played an inconsequential and harmless prank on you.

Agreed. You should try being nice rather than being a Karen sometimes.

Victim Complex. Give me a break, you’re the victim because someone is calling you out for being an prick - Cry more and go talk to you’re parents and figure out where they failed you.

Justifying why being being a dick to someone is ‘ok’ is a whole new level of moron.

Now this is a complete lack of self-awareness.


im so glad i got him a few days ago

i dont need to worry about this anymore lol

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Well, you should try being luckier. That’s what I did lol

JK :smiley:

For real though, I believe that’s part of the design. And the reason why I believe that is that at Renown level 23 you get an item to track Beledar’s Spawn on the map.

Such an item would be worthless and definitely not Renown 23 material if finding Beledar’s Spawn on time was easy.

The good news is that this is a problem that solves itself. Eventually you’ll get to Renown 23 and then Beledar’s Spawn will show on the map for you :smiley:

I think the reason they put this item in the game is for people on dead realms that don’t have hundred people looking for him at once.

If they wanted you to get him at renown 23 then he would have been invisible until then.

Again, this is the selfish solution. “I can see it so screw everyone else.” Also, this item doesn’t prevent someone from blowing all their cooldowns and killing it before anyone can get there.

It would hurt nothing and nobody to make the mob immune for a minute or two after it spawns.

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