It hurts nobody to have Beledar have a warm up period of 2 minutes so people can fly dash to its location.
It’s a rare and hard to get Mount, not everything needs to be handed to you. There are so many mounts I’m still farming from old world rares that other people also farm.
That Deepholm drake? Still always dead.
Nothing needs rethinking, just get into a pre-made raid group 20 min earlier for it.
Absolutely disgusting! HOOOKPUOOOH!
Where did I say I wanted the drop rate raised to 100% or the mount mailed to me?
OMG you just came out and said it right there!!
But yeah the rarity comes from 4 hour spawn timer in multiple locations + a low drop chance. Rarity has never been about who tags it first.
It’s funny that T’khtak <Queen’s Breathmint> or whatever that thing’s name is announces its arrival like 2 minutes before it becomes attackable, and that’s the one that’s near-guaranteed to drop the item that eventually becomes a mount.
The Lurker of the Deep Mount also has a 5 minute spawning period after being activated, I think the Chitin mount does aswell. But one is activated and the other is a 6-12hr spawn time with a guaranteed drop.
Beledar spawns every 3 hours on the hour. There are dozens of group listings up to 30 min before the spawn time for it, all which are super communicative on where it spawns. I do it twice a day without any issue.
If you get to renown 23 with Hallowfall you can buy and item that does exactly that. It puts the marker on your map and tells you exactly where it will spawn.
I always join a raid group in group finder for it and have always gotten a tag in each one, even in the one group where I had to fly literally to the other side of the zone from where I was parked.
I imagine it may be more of a problem if you play on, or join a group in, a crowded server like A52 or MG though. Servers like that probably form 2-3 raid groups just from players naturally in the zone lol
It’s more like 2 minutes for Lurker, but yeah, the game still lets everyone know he’s about to show.
It spawns every shift to night no?
It seems rare now but if its anything like the gold maw charger it will get pretty common near the end of the expansion
The immunity buff has been a thing in Dragonflight for a long time and even during the recent radiant echoes event. Really odd how this even gets released without someone noticing that its a bad idea.
Not gonna lie, I would do that. lmao
Ya not funny, best to wait in the middle of the zone and wait for someone to confirm if that pin is real or not.
I’ve found, at least where I seem to be generally be phased with people on my own server Whisperwind-Dentarg that if you say in chat (/say and /yell and general) pull at X:05 or X:10 most of the time they wait.
The good news is once you get a higher Hallowfall Renown you have an item which shows where it spawns exactly when it goes up.
But they should have a 2 to 5 min immunity shield.
Tovi is accurate. I’ve seen many players do everything in their power to DPS the boss down quickly. I’ve also seen players wait for other players to reach the boss, but it is a rarity.
What’s funny is he’s wagging his finger at me to “do better” but his solution, which is to wait until I’m renown 23, is the selfish route.
“I’m good, I can see the rare now. Too bad for everyone below me lolol”
Your solution is a universal solution, and I don’t know why anyone would dispute it tbh.
Completely bizarre take and just factually wrong.
Soundless, a rare that can spawn in a few places on a 2 to 8 hour respawn timer and only has a 1 percent chance to drop.
Beledad, a rare that spawns guaranteed every 3 hours with an estimated drop lf 3 to 5 percent. Spawns in a random location but there is an item that shows you where it will spawn.
You cant even compare the two. I got beledar within a week, im STILL hunting soundless.