Please respond to server split and overwhelming negative reactions

Maybe they care about our money. I for one have withdrawn my details from them.

They didn’t care about the money of tens of thousands of players that left during phase 2 due to imbalance- why would they care that a couple dozen twinks are angry?

Still awaiting response…

If they took away all forms of pvp would there still be forum posts?

Bump till Blue response

People on this forum (even if every single poster on this forum agreed) by definition do not equate to an “overwhelming negative reaction”, as the people on this forum dont even represent like 1% of the people playing

There’s no overwhelming negative reactions- there’s a handful of twinks that are mad because their queues suffer. The irony is, by saying you can’t even get together 20 players for WSG to happen you’re telling Blizz the problem is only affecting an absolutely miniscule group of players, so few in half of NA there’s not enough to make WSG happen.

Meanwhile, the millions of players grateful to have sensible times for holiday weekends to start/end regardless of what coast they’re playing on aren’t on the forums because Blizz made the right call and it makes most players happy.

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Look at it this say… there are five separate sub 60 brackets: 19, 29, 39, 49 and 59. Each of these were further split into 2. 5*2 = 10 separate queues for each BG type.

Now, if you took the level 60 population and divide that by 10, with some queues having more faction disparities than others, I wonder how you would do in terms of queue times? It would be terrible.

So, the fact that sub 60 queue times are suffering quite a bit doesn’t mean the population is small. We simply had a lot more queues due to more brackets than level 60.

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ok wait
if 500 people claim they are W coast alliance low lev BG’rs
and 500 other people claim they are W coast horde low lev BG’rs

and both claim they can not find matches

are you guys queuing 12 hours apart or what?
I mean, how can you miss each other that much?

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This has always been true, increasing of course as more xpacs were added with more brackets.

Why? What you’re saying before is what has always been the case, it’s not a surprise it’s nothing new.

But this here is you making up a scenario that has no relevance to the conversation.

What just happened to low level brackets is they just split them in half. What happened to the 60 bracket is they just split it in half- they did the same thing to both. 60 bracket’s more than fine, instant queues all day. Now, if suddenly after low levels being consolidated for 15 years they decided to turn a 10-59 bracket into 10-19, 20-29, etc… you may have a point.

But that’s always been the bracket split, this isn’t something new they’ve done here. They aren’t dividing anything for twinks here- other than the west/east split that everyone’s getting.

But keep making up what if nonsense scenarios. Oh, what if brackets were divided by ten billion, then it’d be really hard to get a group.

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I mean this just seems like a change that benefits literally nobody… Just make the BG weekends start on PDT. EST players are use to it by now.

Or split the difference and put it on Central time, anything really. The convenience of having them all on one timezone is more a convenience intended for Blizzard, it’s not a convenience for the players.

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It depends how expensive they determine the fix to be. They are a business and will act according to cost-benefit analysis. A smart business would act to secure the tens of thousands of dollars twinkers pay if it covers the cost of making that fix.

Of course, the market is crashing so maybe all of this talk is meaningless.

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So some horde with a 19 ally wants people to think even ally are having que issues? Nope its only horde, 3 minute ques for my 49 warrior twink even at 4am. This is the most player created problem we have ever seen. I know people are tired of hearing about phase 2 but after that mess and still having every farming spot camped by horde no ally ever will feel sorry for you long ques. Sorry, split battlegroups are a good thing to create better latency. I enjoy my kicks being more reliable now in AV.

Bump to the top
We need a blue response

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Support. We deserve a response.

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Blizzard? Can we at least get a response? Tell us you are leaving it for all I care…at least I can cancel my subs and uninstall…leaving us in limbo is adding insult to injury


please respond on this issue.

Horde have long ques because there’s so many of them, more news at 11

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This needs to change now.