Please remove/rework/rename primordial wave into dragonflight

It is an ability that does shadow damage, which makes no sense for a shaman to have, applies flame shock to the target, for some reason, heals allies… and then duplicates lightning bolt, also, for some reason.

While I can understand the primordial wave ability doing shadow damage due to it being tied to necrolords, and the weirness of it’s mechanics, due to an attempt on making the ability work for all 3 specs, I really don’t understand why we are taking this clunky mess into Dragonflight.

If you want an ability that does cool spell duplication, that is not the way to do it. Just turn it into a lightning rod, or something similar, make it do either phisical or nature damage. Remove the flame shock component from it. Or just replace the ability entirely. Replace it with Memory of the deep tremor, or something.


It’s primordial. Why not the same as ele blast above it in the talent tree?

Fire/frost/nature with a color rework similar to ele blast.

It feels less clunky on beta with the follow on talent to instantly generate the MSW stacks to use it.


Prim wave is one of my favourite abilities for ele and resto, and is decently fun for enh. Removing it would be an awful decision.

Dear God no, deeptremor is terrible to use, is entirely passive, is on a 5 min CD and dies instantly half the time

I’m suggesting from an enhancement point of view, I have 0 experience on the other specs so the suggestion might not be relevant at all for other ones.

If the ability is liked, make it do fire damage or something, make it no longer heal for enhancement, and make it turn lightning bolt into lava beam temporarily or something. Or change the name to Elemental Flurry or something that at least justifies the mess. Just make the spell make sense. Spell duplication is cool, I get it, but you need to make more coherent.

It is like having a priest ability that does frost damage, applies snake venom and makes you heal more. I don’t care that it could be explained in the shadowlands context, we are not in shadowlands anymore.

Tbh I don’t really care that it does shadow damage, I won’t even notice. Understandable people won’t like that tho, so maybe they should change it to be fire instead. They don’t need to change anything else about the ability though

Ok so we would still have an ability that is not flame shock, but applies flame shock, but also heals, and also causes your next lightning bolt to hit all targets that are affected by flame shock. Doesn’t that sound a bit… convoluted and random?

Is burning flesh known to attract lightning? And how am I healing? Am I cauterizing the wounds? And why would I even use this ability to heal anyway (as an enhancement shaman)?

While I understand the ability in the context of shadowlands, after all this was also a restoration ability, I see no reason to take this convoluted mess going forward.

Not at all. If you designed every ability around the context of it making perfect sense, the game wouldn’t be here.

To me, I press the ability, it applies flame shock, and then my lightning bolt cleaves to every target with a flame shock. Really simple, not convoluted

This is a fantasy video game dude, not real life. Things happen in the game that don’t necessarily apply to the physics of real life

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Really? I can’t think of another ability that is this level of bonkers. Maybe Hunter’s cobra shot…?

Sure, for you, a person who understand that the healing component is not something you should pay attention to, and a person who is already used to the necrolords rotation, this is just the button that you press before ability x and after abily y. But for everyone who didn’t play an enhancement necrolord shaman in shadowlands, it just feels like random nonsense.

Yes, this is a fantasy video game, which are well known to use real life as a reference to come up with mechanics like “Water conducts electricity”, or “Lightning rods attract electricity”. If a video game suddenly creates a mechanic “Wood conducts electricity” it would be seen as random and bonkers.

You’re making this artificially confusing. Press prim wave on target. Next lightning bolt hits all targets with flame shock on them. That’s all you need to think about…

How about water (healing surge) heals people? That has no grounding in real life.

I completely agree with you. Know what they should do is if a resto shaman has healing rain down and I use lightning bolt. It should hit every single target because water conducts electricity

A very good point.

Also, perhaps if you use say a fire spell against a fiery being, you should get a message saying “that spell wasn’t very effective”

Please no, we like having another school of magic to cast in PvP.

Yeah I don’t really care if it’s shadow haha

Yep, it sounds awesome (with friendly fire disabled)

We already have 3, come on… Isn’t it enough? When I get locked I usually just lose acces to 1 / 4 of my skills, which are probably on cd and I didn’t want to use them anyway…

Yes, and there are other players that do…

Electricity doesn’t distinguish between friends and foes IRL so this simply wouldn’t work

Well, I think disabled friendly fire is a well accepted mechanic in most games and for good reason. I think the everyone will understand, and would agree to keep it disabled.

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No, it cannot be disabled. We want this to be realistic and it adds another mechanic to the game.

Also they need to redo all the healing in the game because it’s not realistic. I mean a water totem drops and randomly heals? Shouldn’t people randomly choke on the water?

Inspired on real life mechanics is different then completely the same as real life.

Season 1 has a primordial theme.

Dragons are from a time when the world was young, a primordial stage, hence even the aspects being proto-dragons before they received the titan’s blessing.

Shaman are based on the elemental components of Azeroth, primordial wave - Like our other waves, is just an ancient wave.

it was nature at some point in alpha and got reverted. I agree shadow is weird and it should be elemental school.

This ability is not primordial in the sense of ancient drakes or proto drakes, this is the power from the Necrolords, which are tied to the beginning of the entire universe. That is why it does shadow damage.

We are going out of the shadowlands, but we are taking these abilities with us? If it was a very well designed ability that complemented our kit I would completely agree, but this is not the case especially for enhancement shamans.

This ability was just what they could come up to when asked to design 4 abilities that work for all 3 specs, and this was the most awkward one.

For shamans, waves are not associated with fire or lightning, they are healing spells. Making it ancient shouldn’t change this.

Making a specific spell cleave shouldn’t be so convoluted, it shouldn’t involve shadow damage, and it shouldn’t be done to lightning bolt as we already have a cleaved version of that spell in chain lightning.

In essence, what the spell does is help spread one of our dots, and does damage to each dotted targets. Enhancemnets however already have spells that help spread this dot. Maybe with lava burst this spell will make more sense, but it is still so awkward since lava burst is not a mandatory spell on the class tree.