Player driven content.
the game lacked RDF.
some player said yeah we know some out there treat a stocks run like its an M20+ in retail.
But not us. We love all of you low level crap geared players.
Boosting to me was the logical end to no RDF. if old boy/girl was just turned down for 4 lfg ads for being the wrong class or gear…the boosters were there with an open mind. and an open hand (to take some gold).
Noting some didn’t even charge. I ran a few free boosts killing time in SW. I had nothing to do for 30 minutes…I’d see how many hitchhikers were by the stocks stone. I could give up 10 to 15 minutes of my time.
Someone free boosted me a few times at start…I kept the karma flowing.
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I agree. I was for rdf from the first day classic was announced. And I get why many people boosted, it was so hard to find dungeon groups. Just don’t pretend it was some great thing that rewarded player engagement and creativity like soyface did. It was a bad fix for a bad situation.
Well, it took a few pioneering players hours upon hours to work on the correct path and mob grouping and gearing in order to do the boost. Then it took each booster who decided they want to get in on the action several hours to get decent enough at the boost before they could sell runs.
They innovated within a 20 yr old game. That’s worth something.
Sure, one fifth of every group did that work and four fifths of every group they ran did nothing except mostly swipe the credit card for gold. Your analysis isn’t even half right, it’s less than one fifth right.
Lol, people swiped to buy gear in GDKP primarily, not to boost. It was not that expensive to boost a char.
What’s the harm in players making gold from boosting? People are not natty leveling alts for fun anymore. Classic wow is all about endgame and has been since after the first few months of the 2019 launch.
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You’re entitled to your opinion. It even may be that many agree with you. Just don’t lie about it. Boosting was at most one fifth about player engagement and creativity. It was four fifths about sitting at the entrance of a dungeon while doing nothing and paying for xp.
I don’t know why you care so much that some people don’t level the “right” way. Boosting was a tradeoff. Sure, you could get a character 1-60 in a day or two but it would cost you 5k gold and you would have no weapon skill, professions, reputation, etc.
xp off twinks would be an exception. A minor one too.
they were so small blizzard had to mix them with xp on.
now we got rdf so all those “Wow is not endgame only!” folks can twink themselves I guess.
Did I say I care about what is the right way people level? I care that you’re a gd liar. You claimed boosting was about “player engagement and creativity.” That’s the smallest part of it. It’s four fifths about players doing nothing as they sit at a dungeons entrance while they pay for xp. Just admit that you lied and this conversation is over. Or don’t, I’ve already proved you lied.
You ok, slugger?
Implied in your tired analogy about 4/5 of the group doing nothing but sitting at the front of the instance is a judgement that they are not playing the game the right way. Not sure where I lied, either.
That’s a statement of fact. Whether it’s “right” or “wrong” is a subjective opinion. You want to lie about the facts because you know that many people have the subjective opinion that boosting was “wrong” and that it hurt the game. You could just admit the facts and state your subjective opinion is that it’s “right and good for the game.” But you prefer to lie because you think lying is the best defense of boosting.
That’s not an analogy fool. That’s an objective statement of the facts of the situation. Facts you’re trying to lie about. How ever much the person boosting was hard working and creative the other 4 people in the group were not creative or hard working. They were sitting at the dungeon entrance doing nothing.
Nobody cares about your silly argument, just revert the stupid changes. I don’t even farm dungeons and I think they should revert them.
Imagine if they removed these changes in firelands update.
Leave them in place prevent bots!!!
It doesn’t prevent bots. There is no shortage of bots in cata.
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Lol it’s still effective at keeping bots out of that area of the game, which is positive. Blizzard doesn’t want to implement measures that combat bots. If the servers were region-locked, made resistant to VPNs, and each account was linked to an individual’s government ID or driver’s license, which in turn was associated with their IP address, then those caught botting or engaging in real money trading could be banned by IP. However, Blizzard may not wish to implement such measures.
And Blizzard always acts so bewildered when people get fed up with their games and make private servers that are actually just like the originals? Maybe if Blizzard kept true to their word and wouldn’t changes things back to back, this wouldn’t keep happening with all the massive P servers constantly popping up. Like legit, as SOON as it was announced that Cata was replacing Wrath and Wrath servers were all getting deleted, a massive private server cluster for Wrath popped up. And then TBC ones came as soon as Blizard said they would never do TBC again. Now there are Cata ones made that are JUST like original Cata and not this wacky retail version of Cata that has WoW tokens and level boots with no arena teams and a guild roster that the majority of players hate.
These changes don’t hinder bots. They abuse the Z-axis. They can fly.
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Not a single bot was stopped by this bad change!
Yep. They unionized, They Hit tbcc raids in wrath gear.
And slave pen boosts were still running. One just needed to reach till 65.
This just hurt the common man really.
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