Please remove the 58 boost from TBC Classic

I’m fine with both existing because they are the same thing to me

Both are players paying to skip content. To be ok with one but not the other is a bit…odd


I’m against both of them. My point it Blizzard should not be enabling the behavior, and that is actively worse than the current version.


Fair enough. I think this is what the nochanges crowd meant when they were talking about a slippery slope. I don’t care if it exists or not. To me it’s just more of what’s already happening.


This is why we were adamant about nochanges. Most nochangers hate world buffs as much as the next person, but we deemed dying on the world buff hill was preferable to letting things like the store creep in.


Shills? Oh right. Anyone that disagrees with you. Got it.
I welcome the boost.

  1. It deters leveling bots.
  2. It allows people that didn’t care about classic wow to play TBC classic without having to spend a month grinding their way to the content they actually want to play.
  3. Yes it’s a cash grab by Blizzard. Did you really expect any different?

Skipping content you say? Imo the real content is at max level anyways. I’m not the biggest fan of leveling but I do it because that is what must be done to get what I want.
That’s the difference. I level and drudge through the terrible leveling that is classic wow just so I can get to the meat and potatoes of wow content instead of crying about things I don’t like.

It’s a great gift. Literally saved me dozens of hours of having to level another toon to play TBC content that I want. TBC content seems to be the goal of this xpansion, not old world content.

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Think you should reread my points. We’re in agreement, I’m fine with this change

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Could not disagree with this OP more. I know so many people that are excited about this. I do understand that only hatters go to the forums… so I guess this makes sense.

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Apologists disgust me.

It’s both. It’s one per account, and you have to pay for it.

Still care to defend this horrible business practice?

So is reducing the experience required to level from 35-60, improving quest XP rewards, and reducing the difficulty of many mobs and quests in the world.

They did all that because they wanted people to instantly start at level 58, yeah?


Darn it. I hate it when I do that. I meant to reply to someone else but sometimes replying to someone on mobile flags the reply for someone else.

There wasn’t a pandemic when TBC launched either - things change


I’m ok with character copies. I’m not ok with the 58 character boost.

They’re two different things.


The character copy is only there if you decide at first to keep a toon vanilla but later down the line want to progress them onwards to TBC.

Here is the two ways I am looking at it right now. Firstly I will look at it from the aspect of there being no paid boosts and just the one. New people are able to come in and enjoy the game with friends without feeling like they have to work to get to that point. As to whether working to get to that point is important, that is to each persons perspective and not controlled as a singular entity.

The second way I will look at it is if the boosts were in to be paid for. The questions to be asked specifically around characters being boosted is what all does that affect. I will not deny there are some affects which is why I would prefer it not to be in the game. But if anybody is looking at boosts as to the reason people are not seen leveling in the open world… just look at the boosting going on right now in game that mages are benefitting off of. And where do you think players get the gold to pay them!? Even if this is not present in TBC, players will always seek the route with least resistance. So it would be hypocritical to say that paid boosts ruin that aspect of the game when players don’t engage in it anyways.

It’s really disgusting. I’m so fed up with Acti-Blizz. They will milk this for every penny it’s worth and run it right into the dust. They could’ve just left it alone and shown some semblance of respect for it…

But nah… $$$$$$ is all they give a crap about…


A business focusing on making money… what has this world come to!!? :roll_eyes:

I am not advocating for it to be added. But I am saying that there are far worse practices in the gaming world that are predatory to your pockets than the possibility of level boosts. Look at each thing for what it is rather than speculating about what it means for the future. As of right now though, they aren’t putting in paid boosts.

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I think it’s not that big of a deal it’s one character per account I think it’s fine


Anyone who was interested in classic leveled through the classic content.
Anyone interested in TBC will still have to level through the TBC content.

The people buying mage boosts are almost exclusively alts who have done classic content until their eyes bleed. I love classic, I leveled many characters the old fashioned way in vanilla, and 2 in classic. I don’t really have any interest in savoring the experience of RFK for the 30th time. There’s nothing shady about that.

Even if I use the boost I’m still going to have to level the old fashioned way in outland.

People acting like skipping the 1-58 leveling process is indicative of some deep moral shortcoming need to get a grip lol.


I just think it invalidates the work people have put in in Classic.