Nobody likes this BG! Every time I queue it, it makes my blood boil. And the removal of blacklisting BGs was a terrible decision. Please PLEASE remove this cesspool. Thank you.
Most of the time half of one team leaves and gladly takes the deserter debuff. Its that bad.
I agree! Remove Mm hunters from the game nobody likes them
Seething shore is tied for my third favorite bg. I was really upset to hear that it isn’t a part of battleground blitz. I feel like I have lost a part of my soul because I am going to focus on blitz once it’s rated.
Seething shore is better than temple. They removed seething shore from
Rated bgs a few seasons ago instead of fixing it. Lol @ wow devs
Seething Shore being in the rotation is one of the main reasons I don’t queue for regular BGs
This time in beta I am going to push for blacklisting hard. Only way we can fix a lot of issues in one swoop.
Yup I am with you on that one.
lol at Horde players complaining about Seething Shore. Y’all lose almost 100% of the games. I feel like I never lose that bg.
I wear my prospector title to show off how masochistic I am.
I got 183 games played on this toon and have a 53% win rate. Basically like every other map I’m around 50% except wsg and ab I’m higher
I love seething shore. You just run around and kill guys. Whats not to love?
Dear god… I still need 46 more victories and about 8000 azerite…UGH
Players like you are the reason why I tend to just sit and watch from the ship.
I agree it sucks
MM hunters don’t even need to leave the ship they just pew pew from the deck.
I agree with this statement!!
I’ve grown to like shore quite a bit because I feel I have a lot of control getting to nodes in time and spinning nodes until backup arrives. There should be a better way to track when a node is going to spawn - I use an addon.
I hate big maps where I have less control, like deepwind and eots. And middle of eots is still a travesty, I loathe that map.
Make it so 3 nodes equals a win and only spawns 1 at a time.
It’s almost like alliance have the best racials so all the pvp meta tryhards are there carrying you.
Many months later, i will still leave this BG if it pops.