Nothing wrong with having fun and not playing objectives. But that is kind of why BGB and solo shuffle exists for players that do want to play objectives.
Shadowmeld, Escape Artist, and Stoneform have always been there for Alliance. But Alliance was mainly popular due to human racial. Nothing wrong with Alliance being popular again due to other racials. If Horde racials needs small buffs that is 100 okay and acceptable.
Still working on this. But I don’t really queue random battlegrounds anymore, so I’ve resorted to specific queueing Seething Shore every now and then on weekends.
Yes you read that right: I specific queue Seething Shore. Please don’t have me committed.
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Well it sure does make people seethe…
Remove it and bring back Strand of the Ancients pls
Yea this BG still bugs out for me. They are attacking me from the air and I can’t hit them back.
Personally I wouldn’t mind seething shore if they just removed the airship. Keep the basic idea and just have the starting point and graveyards on the ground
They can leave SS in, just let us blacklist a couple of BGs so we never have to see it and those who like it can play it.
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its fine imo i really dont get the hate
av is worse base rush pve crap