PLEASE Remove Ressurection Sickness

They honestly need to just let you fly as a ghost all the time. It’s a bit silly that you can’t because there is times you die in really bad locations.

^This. I haven’t even seen a rez sickness buff in years. No reason at all why it should be a big enough problem that warrants a complaint on the forums. If you’re dying in places where you have to repeatedly take rez sickness, then that should be a pretty big hint that you don’t belong there.

Just because it happens that little or rarely doesn’t mean it’s not a garbage concept.

I mean, it just means we put up with it. There entire spirit realm concept is outdated and I would like to see a more modern revamp of the concept of death in WoW. Blizzard has does really incredible things with BfA and expansions, why are we just ignoring that res sickness is a terrible concept from vanilla? The game would be better off without it.

WHY ARE WE PUNISHING DEATH IN AN EXPLORATION RPG? A repair bill is fine, durability works. Let me go do stupid things, explore, and res at a graveyard when I get stuck in a really bad spot.

At some point gamers forgot games aren’t about punishment but for exploration and enjoyment I feel

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