PLEASE Remove Ressurection Sickness

Says the person who doesn’t want to bother running back to their corpse.

You outlined one edge scenario that rarely happens. 99% of the time you can easily get back to your body.


You could just not die.

On top of that, I haven’t had a single spirit Rez in years that wasn’t just “I don’t feel like making the run and now is a good time to break for food.” The world just isn’t that dangerous. It hasn’t been that dangerous in more than a decade.

Or you can stop being lazy and run to your corpse.

I hope you don’t plan on playing classic. Cuz not only are you gonna die more. But the nearest spawn point can at times be 2 zones away from where you died. And GL having the gold to repair all your items after taking rez sickness.

Um… so stop jumping off cliffs, problem solved.

I don’t think it’s a bad mechanic. There needs to be some deterrent to death, but they could do a better job with the terrain design.

Did you know Rez Sickness is one of the few things remaining, UNCHANGED. from the original beta vanilla game all the way back in 2003/2004.

And it should stay that way.

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I agree, its one of the last things of the original “everquest design” where in 2003 wow you would actually un-level or atleast lose experience from death, it was very quickly changed to just be a large silver/gold repair and time of being useless.
Its there to show you that when you die in the raid or party it messes up everyone else, there needs to be a punishment in a way.

OP is right.

There should be an option for rez sickness or 500 - 1000 gold to take rez with out rez sickness.

Another gold sink added to the game. And players have better option.

then rich people woudnt have a punishment from death in wow

Correct. With the amount of money people can just toss about now adays the real punishment is the time sink.

I think it’s ok to keep, but lower to maybe 3-5 minutes vs 10… Past that, there should be some small penalty for not going back to your body. Alternatively, a faster or easier run to body maybe.


I would be perfectly fine with gryphon mode, I don’t know why we cant fly as a ghost, that argument is true.

I agree whole heartedly with this. I’m a ghost. Why can’t I fly to go get my corpse.

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Bring back the old EQ style XP loss when you die.

And let players loot your corpse while you’re at it.

10 minutes is nothing. Go eat a sandwich. It’ll be over when you get back.

I refuse to take a graveyard rez. That was drummed into me back when I started cuz the repair bill is Huge, even for a clothie - especially if you carry around lots of gear. We had to back in the Resist Gear days.

So I’ll run back and rez at my corpse. Except the time on the side of Mt. Hyjal. When Cata had flying but Azeroth didn’t yet, I got too close to the invisible wall by Ashenvale and fell down like 3 miles. Yes, on my priest with someone else targeted so Levitate didn’t work. Ran back, fell past my corpse, still unreachable.

Ended up whispering a friend to come rez me. It was pitiful and took like an hour - running around up Felwood, Winterspring and across Hyjal is FAR lol. Still refused to take the rez sickness. Stubborn.

I get rez sickness on average twice per year.
If you are getting that often then you are doing something seriously wrong.

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I remember complaining about rez sickness…

back in 2004.

The only time you should have to take rez sickness is if you legit cannot recover your body. The ONLY time.

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If you have flight unlocked, you can fly as a ghost.