PLEASE Remove Ressurection Sickness

It’s an antiquated mechanic that does nothing but cause frustration. I do not think it is a good punishment for death, it’s more of a punishment for “I died on a cliff and now I can’t reach my body because I can’t fly in spirit form, so for 10 minutes I can’t do anything in this game.”

Blizzard – This feels lazy. You can do better.


I think it’s fine as it is, sometimes it can be a pain but oh well 10 minutes is 10 minutes after all, watch a YouTube video or take a poo.


You can, just not optimally.


Or, or, or –

We invent something better instead of just putting up with it because “meh I’ll stop playing.” If I only get a small amount of time to play max, I’m not going to want to spend it risking resurrection sickness. I’m happy you think it’s fine. I also think that the idea that you should do something else because ‘res sickness’ is not.


If you are dying that much that resurrection sickness is becoming an issue, you are doing very wrong.


Stop dying and expect to res somewhere else without penalty. :woman_shrugging:t2: The option is there to use it if you must in case of emergency, people would absolutely abuse it if they could just use it to get around something instead.


And your idea is…?

There’s going to be some downside to being too lazy to run back to your body. Sorry you aren’t rewarded for dying.

Wait, no I’m not.


Haha, I love to explore and take adventures and always end up dying on some super high cliff somewhere. I don’t mind taking the rez sickness though for it’s not a real adventure until someone dies (and that’s usually me) :wink:

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Rez sickness is fine, if a bit annoying if you don’t really want to go find your corpse. There are by far worse annoyances in the game via gameplay mechanics.

slow fall ftw? :rofl: I love my levitate.

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Um, just play a warlock and rez your self that might help a bit if your having an issue with dying this much in open world exploring. :face_with_raised_eyebrow:
Or hmmm, if your dying cuz of falling while exploring or can’t reach your body etc, try a Demon hunter with its double jump and glide passive mechanic… that could help too. :thinking:

Well it is never on my priest or my mage. Usually it is on my shaman lol. When we go on adventures, the farsight comes in handy when you can’t reach spots

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I love these little special spells, makes classes better! I don’t think I ever used far sight on my shaman though, and I played her for like 3 years straight. Lol

This whole ‘lazy’ mentality needs to stop. And this whole victim complex of ‘put up with it’ needs to stop from WoW players.

This is not a good mechanic. They could invent better things. Who cares what my replacement is? I’m not the multi-million dollar company.

I’ve already outlined that there are scenarios where you are forced to use resurrection sickness.

I enjoy the game, I work for pathfinder so I can compete in world PvP. I grind my reputations and dailies, and I’m happy. That doesn’t make me lazy, and this is still a bad mechanic.

You are missing out! My friend and I climed as high as we could in Nazjatar and then I farsighted so we could see the top of the zone. I love to farsight around the game to see the things that we can’t reach!

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Agreed 100%

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Can they? You have absolutely no basis for that statement. You yourself can’t think of something better, yet you assume that Blizzard could, because reasons.

You’re not a victim, you’re just lazy. You made the personal decision that waiting 10 minutes (and it should be noted that there are activities you can do even with rez sickness) was faster than walking back to your body.

Want to know what people that take the shorter and faster route that takes less effort are called? Lazy. Stop acting like a victim, and take some damn responsibility for your actions.


I was expecting this to be a low key ‘I got flying thread’ that afk flew into fatigue like it was a flightpath.

I can understand if you fall down somewhere and it’s impossible to return to your body and you must use the Rez sickness then it would suck a little but you will probably be more careful around that area the next time lol. It’s not as a big a deal as I think it could turn into if people start using it to grief others somehow or something. Sometimes when they change things it only turns worse and the res sickness never felt like a big deal to me how it is. I’ve had to use it only a couple of times since I’ve been playing to get away from people camping my body or once where I died in a bad area.

Sounds like proper punishment for dying in hard to reach areas.