I just queue into Custom as a tank, healer, dps with a note of #bringbackRDF. I have no intention of joining a group but I am socializing in LFG to support the Blizzard pillars!
All we can do. The problem is anyone using the new tool will be metric’ed in as the tool being a success. It is designed from the group up to be able to chart as an amazing success because of the forced participation tied into it to even see the LFG channel.
Its how you do things in corporate environments. You focus more on how to trick the charts instead of making something to top the charts. The game will suffer as a result. Would have been a lot easier to just put in RDF.
Remind me of the social experience that is LFG please…
Or maybe let me remind you, looks something like this:
[LFG] Slabs boost 70-80 mobs
[LFG] SP boost 50+ mobs
[LFG] Slabs boost 70-80 mobs
[LFG] SP boost 50+ mobs
[LFG] GDKP 100,000k Mid bid on tier
[LFG] anal [Thunderfury, blessed blade of the Windseeker]
[LFG] Did someone say [Thunderfury, blessed blade of the Windseeker]
[LFG] Slabs boost 70-80 mobs
[LFG] SP boost 50+ mobs
[LFG] Slabs boost 70-80 mobs
[LFG] SP boost 50+ mobs
[LFG] GDKP 100,000k Mid bid on tier
[LFG] anal [Thunderfury, blessed blade of the Windseeker]
[LFG] Did someone say [Thunderfury, blessed blade of the Windseeker]
Just give us RDF. Its just the best option.
It is kind funny you have to que into the system to even use the social part of the normal group making. Clearly designed so it can be show as “highly effective, look everyone is using it” because they pretty much make it have no option other wise. Sad state of corporate affairs where they focus less on how to make a good product (aka rdf or a good group finder tool) and instead sink resources on the ability to spin it to a forced positive result.
Pushing all of the rdf threads you can find back to the top isn’t going to help you. We aren’t getting rdf. Take the loss and move on.
Ditch LFG and add in RDF!!
I see no issue with it. Maybe people will quit plagueing the channel with a ton of NOT actually LFG
It’s them forcing us to talk.
It’s actually kinda creepy lol.
Shut up about RDF already, enough with the spam
I think the tool is ok to have and running along side the RDF system. If the tool was of high quality we could even keep RDF off the books. But it just hasn’t happened yet. Show me they can make a good tool and I will jump off this RDF horse in a second. The problem is they won’t… and that is the problem…
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