Please Remove Aura Mastery

And replace it with an ability that does the exact same thing, but has a different name and isn’t tied to having Devotion Aura on. As it stands, hitting Aura Mastery with any aura besides devo on is a wasted button press, and only ever serves to have your raid healing cooldown sometimes have pointless effects if you weren’t watching your aura bar for whatever reason. Also, it might get Ret/Prot paladins to stop demanding a raid healing cooldown.


Aura Mastery changes depending on the Aura you have active. Devo Aura’s damage reduction is increased, Concentration makes anyone affected immune to silences and interrupts for the duration and Crusader get’s bumped up to 60% increased speed while AM is active. It doesn’t solely rely on Devo.

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yeah, I know


I agree they need to do something about the auras in general but it’s not a completely wasted button press. IMO the auras should be baseline and not even in the talent tree. They should bring back seal talent options and move them up where the auras currently are and not down at the bottom of the paladin tree.

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I would love to have more aura options and have seals once again!


Such as?
And name stuff that won’t feel required to have at high end raid comp.

Because anything that feels required, you can be sure every other class is gonna sh*t on us because of how unfair it is we get more than 1 raid buff (and rightfully soo).


Well I would love:

  • Old School Ret aura, aka the one that dealt damage when someone in your party got hit. It never was really useful, but it was fun.
  • Also I love resistance auras, though we don’t really have damage types these days, I mean we do, but only for matters of bonus damage. (Yes this would probably be a “required” thing for high end comps, but I really don’t mind having “classes that do better than others” as long as everyone can do a normal or heroic version of the raid.)
    *(I can’t remember the name or if I still have this as a holy paly) but I love the minor auto heal aura.

Now these are more styled off of blessings, but I would enjoy these as well.

  • Aura of Sacrifice, while above 90% hp you take 5% of the damage allies in your group/raid take within 40yrds
  • Aura of Wisdom, mana regen similar to Shaman’s Mana Spring except as a “every few seconds”

Overall I’d also be happy just seeing some random auras that the blizz team could think of.


I would love a reason to swap auras mid fight
Or even different pulls in mythic Plus

But honestly, I’m tired of hearing ret players cry about aura mastery and raid buffs

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The auto heal one is now a talent down the bottom of the holy tree called “Merciful Auras”. Hardly anyone takes it but, I love it and never play without it (I also HATE blessing of summer). It also has an interaction with Aura Mastery which is pretty nice.

Even if they don’t bring in new auras, they could give us back “Hand” buffs. Like Might, Wisdom etc. One for each spec or something, like Holy grants Wisdom that returns a small amount of health and mana every few seconds, Ret gives Might that gives a small main stat buff, Prot gives Reckoning that could work similar to your Sac idea.

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They can have a few paladin buffs that acts like evoker augmentation buffs, buffs that count towards the paladins dps/hps… at least they can with ret/holy


I agree. The original idea behind Aura Mastery was great. It was a major cooldown that could have various unique effects depending on which aura you had active. But it’s clear that no effect of any aura remotely compares to the value of using it in conjunction with Devo Aura. All the other aura effects are vestigial, and I feel the only two good options are to completely remove AM from the aura system, or to drastically improve AM such that all aura interactions are great in their own ways and will be used in high end content depending on the situation.

I don’t believe blizzard wants to put in the time and the effort to do the second, so I will settle for the first.


Removing AM completely is one of the worst ideas I’ve ever heard though. It’s arguably one of the most important abilities of holy paladin has


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On Warcraft logs you can enable mitigation which shows devo aura can provide up to 30% of the “HPS”
Even with that change we’d still use devo

I agree, I would never call for the removal of Devotion Aura, as that is our class’s group buff ability.

I don’t understand this fix.

Ret paladins are complaining that holy is an essential raid spot with aura mastery tied to devo, correct? If aura mastery was detached from devo but the spell was kept the same, holy paladin would still be a guaranteed raid spot.

The issue will persist as long as holy is one of 2 healers that consistently brings DR and the only healer with a DR cooldown that doesn’t require stacking.

The “issue” of holy paladins raid spot doesn’t just depend on the other paladin specs, it’s also dependent on what other healers can’t do that holy can.

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I think a fair compromise in this case would be to give Demon Hunters a third spec and remove Retribution from the game

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:smiling_face_with_tear: :smiling_face_with_tear:

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I remember, vaguely, one fight where the Paladin tanks requested crusader aura to help them with their mechanics. I think they were trying to move to a particular location as fast as possible, so that a boss mechanic would hit that spot. As I have never tanked, I can’t explain that better, or even remember which fight it was.

I’m sure concentration aura has a use and that someone will know of a situation where it was used.

Ret aura seems to be outright trolling the raid. I’m taking this aura because I want you all to be viciously maimed.

Not just that. Can we either change Tyr’s Deliverance or just Completely replace it? It’s so bad.