Please remove 71 hunter pet families

Other games follow this logic. WoW used to/still does also. I know it from a pvp angle - you need to know at a glance what class/spec you’re dealing with.

Hiding what you are is a bit of cheese.

It’s the same old mentality, “I was shot in the foot, so you must also be shot in the foot.”

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It is though, cats look like cats, worms look like worms. Your post doesn’t make any sense, if you don’t want them to remove observers just say so.

False. There are some cat silhouettes that have abilities other cats do not.

There are many different families that provide the hunter the same utility, both in terms of the cunning, tenacity and ferocity interaction and the family specific utility.

How can anyone hope to know the categories AND special abilities of 77 different families especially when most families have silhouette variance?

There are many examples of Hunter pets within a single family having different silhouettes. Just look at all the different shapes for boars!

How can enemies tell solely by looking at the silhouette what exact utility that pet is providing the hunter?

We can’t! That bird could apply mortal strike, or does it rend? Is the silhouette of an Ohana or a Teroclaw? They’re literally the same skeleton.

Hunters themselves might not even know what their pet does solely by silhouette. You know, those poor Hunter’s who rely entirely on silhouette to know what all their pets do!

If Blizzard is making things “easier for warlocks” and enemies of warlocks by removing a 10 year old silhouette (that the entire community already knows has the same function as a felpup) because it’s important to their design principal, they really should apply that design principal to the class that most egregiously undermines it.

Blizzard is over here fining retired Warlocks for parking with half a wheel on the sidewalk while Hunters drive on the sidewalk like it’s a highway!


I don’t think anyone is running Glyph of Stars or Glyph of the Observer to hide what they bring to the table. If they are, they are in an absolute minority.

It amazes me how the point of a thread goes over so many heads.

They don’t really care about hunters. The entire point was Blizzard’s reasoning behind removing the Observer is nonsensical due to how hunter pets work.

People work on reading comprehension more.

Pets are all over the place. This was explained in the original Observer thread on the PTR forums. I’d suggest reading that one. Lots of info there.

You’re not wrong. Essentially given people got butt hurt and flagged the OP. :roll_eyes:

It doesn’t, which is partially OPs point. Why are they making Warlocks suffer to begin with?
These new “customization” options consist of like 3-4 shades of skin colors. It’s not like we are going crazy over here.

If I threw away your phone but gave you $5, I didn’t give you $5, I threw away your phone. Blizzard is doing that but insisting we focus on the $5 instead.

Also what happens if the Walrock is running sacrifice? There’s zero way for another person to identify which utility they have. It is a non-factor. Blizzard are so wishy-washy when it comes to “consistency”.

Absolutely not the same situation. OP isn’t even talking about the talent tree spec, but the pet-family spells.


Also if anything Blizzard logic falls flat here the second you add GoSac to the mix. Does the Warlock have a cleanse, a kick, or a defensive CD? Literally no way to know until it’s used.


Extremely good point!

There are far too many classes and races in this game and it makes my very smooth brain confused.

Please remove everything from the game and replace it with color-coded shapes so I can better understand what is going on around me.


there’s too many pets in the game. remove all but the stores one and the succubus pet. it hurts my bread brain to think.

Hunters already suffer from Blizz logic. We can’t choose pet specs because it would
‘be too confusing for pvpers to figure which pet had what’… as if there aren’t addons that tell everyone what is happening, also most pvpers would assume pets of all shapes would have mortal wounds or whatever was bis at the time.

Blizz has also used that poor excuses as to why class skins aren’t a thing or why glyphs don’t change spell colors, it would confuse the PvPers… If I PvPed, I’d be insulted that Blizz thinks I’m that slow that I couldn’t figure out what was going on.


Let’s count the number of times someone died, the raid wiped, the BG was lost, etc., because “Oh, I couldn’t tell what that one warlock’s pet did from a distance.”


yay for PvE being affected by a part of the game I don’t even play . . .


Countless Alterac Valleys have been won and lost as foolish foes mistake a deadly Water Elemental for a harmless Voidwalker!


Save the observer! :fist:

They already don’t have to bother with hunter pets. Hunter pets haven’t had unique useful abilities in expansions now.

I miss my raid buffs. ;_;

Hunter pets already got reduced down to 7 families essentially, only 2 of which actually do something of note. You either have one of the 12 mortal wounds pets or one of the 14 slow models if the hunter is bad. The rest don’t do anything and can all be ignored.
But fine, I’ll take your bargain if it means I get to have an actual choice in my pet again.

Gonna quote myself from another thread:

Their own reasoning doesn’t make sense.

My head canon thinks they’re actually removing it because it has a butthole on the back of it’s head, they just didn’t want to publicly announce that as the reason, lmao.

(If you think I’m kidding, open your pet journal, type in ‘Willy’ (the baby observer pet) and turn it around, lol. Yeah, observers have been like that since day one.)


PS: Nerf warlocks!