Please remove 71 hunter pet families

I know, but they won’t even let us pick which family our pets in because it will be too much for the PvPers to understand… According to Blizz.

And this was a very poorly thought out decision. Blizz keeps adding all kinds of cool new pets, but most will never be used just because of their spec. I would like to use an ottuk that I had to earn the ability to take, but, they aren’t a DPS pet so will never be used.

The (other) silly part is it isn’t even consistent within the warlock pet customization revamp. Succubus category still gets to keep the Shivarra, which looks very different from the Succubus and Incubus. I don’t want the Shivarra to go, obviously, but would you assume a very angry looking 4 armed giant woman carrying multiple large swords would be fulfilling the same role as a small, slim and curvaceous man/woman with a whip and a seductive smile on their face? Of course not.

Yet for some reason this is perfectly fine while the Observer is not. Utterly ridiculous. Just let us keep the Observer.