Please remove 71 hunter pet families

They normalized the damage but you still have utility variance, which is apparently the issue.


Turn Warmode on and there’s just one race, one class.

That would certainly give consistency to PvP.

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I mean, it’s a stupid justification for what I assumed was just going to be them rolling it into this customization system, when I read the headline. But this thread is also pretty stupid…so…I guess the universe balances itself out.

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Pokemon taught me Magikarp can’t hurt you


…why does that sound like every fps game to me…

(i love fps games i’m just makin a little joke. :slight_smile: )

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You were mistaken.

Warlocks like you make it very hard to not want to be petty and side with Blizzard. And that’s coming from someone who second mains a warlock and uses an Observer.

Stop. Just stop.

Tell Blizzard you disagree with them and their decision makes zero sense.

Stop trying to take things away from other classes. That makes you petty and spiteful.

If you are going to be petty and spiteful, you’re going to make hunters petty and spiteful and make them say they agree with Blizzard, at which point Blizzard is going to see them agreeing and go “Hey look, there’s some resistance to our decision, but oh hey look over here at these hunters, these players agree with us, so we should stick to our plan and remove it.”

Also, unlike your pets, our pets were all normalized and do the same exact thing long ago. The only difference is essentially cosmetic. Your pets all fulfill a different role in combat, and it matters if we know if you have a succubus out for CC, a pet for interrupt, etc. You’re comparing apples to oranges.

That said, something other warlocks have pointed out, is Blizzard is acting like players are idiots that can’t figure out that two pets can fulfill the same role, even though they’ve understood it just fine for 10 years.


They already don’t exist as Clefthoof is that much better than 99% of all pets.

Can’t tell if this is bait for bellyaching.

As was I. :blush:

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“Pinot Grigious”

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Hunter pet families each have their own abilities. They aren’t just cosmetic.

OP is clearly employing a little known, arcane art known as “sarcasm” to point out blizzards bozo rationale for deleting the observer by contrasting it with something equally stupid. If the observer has to go, everything else in that wheelhouse should to. Which it wont, so why is the observer?

If the Observer breaks silhouettes and ruins PVP, what about astral form druids? What about cosmetic transmog? What about the dozens of shape changing toys? Shouldn’t those all go to? Of course not. So neither should the Observer.

For real how is everyone in this thread not getting it lmao


i agree remove magikarp from the game…


Similar reasoning given as to why Boomkins can only be translucent blue stains or upright chickens. Free the silhouette…upgrade target nameplates.


I mean, OP does have a point. I really don’t see the difference between lock pets and hunter pets. They’re both pets. Only hunters get like 10 billion variants whereas locks get only a couple? They’re both classes that heavily rely on their pets for their class gameplay and both classes have pets integral to their lore and theme.

I’m not saying I agree that blizz should remove the options from hunters. What I am saying is that there’s been a huge disparity between the two classes for many years and there’s really not been any reason to explain why that is.

Also UDK has been using the same pets models since wrath… Hell, half the DK class abilities still use wrath/cata era abilities, which is atrocious since you can count how many pixels they have on one hand.


I know the OP is being facetious but the Hunter pet situation is pretty stupid. We have over 70 families now but the only two that are viable are clefthoofs and spirit beasts.

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Theyre getting a glyph skin removed.

Yeah. All these pets we cant use becauee theyre not clefthoofs

I know you’re trying to be snarky here but I never said they can’t be used. I would look up the definition for “viable.”

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