Please reconsider your stance on retail/classic reward linking

I know that I am late to this rant fest but it made it back to my far regions of the internet.

Here is what everyone has to understand about Classic WoW and Retail.
The main person who will want to play Classic WoW is the person who either played OG Vanilla WoW before TBC, or the person who is curious about the stories old timers like me go on about WoW in its glory days.

It is not for the self entitled it is not for people looking to take away from long standing players who been there from the start by running into classic and then complaining to blizzard that they want there mount/pets/ what ever else to carry over into Retail. No you all who believe this should be the case need to take a flying leap off a very small pier.

I still have multiple accounts from the days of it being the only way to instantly get stuff from one toon to the next as the mailbox use to have an hour timer on it . WoW use to rival my internet bill at 60 dollars a month for 4 subs. A few accounts that I still have logins to have CE pets and it is a thing of pride. My pieces of Tier 2 Judgement and Tier 1 Lawbringer banana armor are more important because they were earned the hard way.

I am waiting on Classic as I have given up on Retail WoW.

I want to go back to a time where raid prep was a thing. Where making sure you had your reagents were all stocked up. Where being ready meant you were ready as you could not just go back to town and be summoned back unless there was a warlock in your raid.

Where you had class leaders and multiple vent channels all going on at one time with the raid leader broadcasting to them all. It is about a sense of community that current Retail WoW does not possess any more.

This is not to say that BFA is bad it is just not for me. Blizzard has listen to it’s “Legacy players” and decided to finally give us a home on supported legal servers. I along with others are planning to come back for only this. So for those just looking to some how back fill some legacy acheivements which were never in classic wow as they were not introduced until TBC then look else where. Leave the honor and glory of those still playing retail wow who go back to vanilla alone and let them have the pride of there achievements and mounts and pets that we all ground out and worked hard for.


are you secretly working for blizzard? just asking because if i click the “take me to blizzard poster’s post” button, it takes me to your post.

Sprung. Does for me too! Confirmed undercover operative.

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Sprung. Does for me too! Confirmed undercover operative.

No, I don’t. It’s likely just a forums bug.


Yeah, there’s a blue post like 3-4 spaces above you. That’s likely the intended target.

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I concur, it’s some bug in the forums software I’ve seen similar elsewhere. Not saying my post isn’t useful, but I’m not going to break Code of Conduct and say I’m something I’m not. Nor am I authorized to post on behalf of my real employer either.

heck no

I even want to earn mog in classic that applies to retail

that won’t happen. blizzard already said no.


I knew that, was just stating a preference, which I’m sure would be shared by many. But I know it runs counter to the religious fans, I got flamed by players bigtime when I put forth that idea. (a while ago)

Simple fix. Ask for a way to earn those rewards in retail.

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Merry Christmas Mat:O)

Merry day after Xmas.

I think the term you’re looking for is “Boxing Day” although it’s more than bit obscure here in the United States.

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thats because bfa sucks lole

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Says the guy with a 120 achievement. Posting on a 108 to make it look like you don’t have BfA?

In fact, your last achievement was two weeks ago.â/achievements/character

Who cares about achievements? Achievements are dumb things added to wow to make people feel special; you get them for walking around on the map even.

When trolls have no argument they argue the poster, not the post. It is amusing that it’s coming from someone hiding behind a level 11 character to conceal everything about themselves though. :blush:


Way to deflect. That’s not the point, and you know it.

Kinda like what you’re doing right now.

Everything you need to know is in my achievement list. Exactly what would I be hiding that doesn’t show on my achievement page?