Please reconsider your stance on retail/classic reward linking

I do not think it’s a “Bad thing” to reward players with appearences they unlocked from classic to retail, as well as mounts that are both not available or apart of the game anymore.

It just means “they did it”. Isn’t that what you classic plebs have been begging for? a sense of accomplishment? now you hate the idea of that being tied to you account in anyway shape or form.

We have been begging for the game that makes you feel accomplished in THAT game mode. It’s not that we really care that people get rewards in retail, it’s the bi-product that will come from this feature that will ruin experience. People will ninja stuff for their retail transmog, they will increase prices on the AH of ‘lost’ items from vanilla because people can add it to their fashion show wardrobe.

It’s not that the issue is with them getting the items, it’s that it will change behavior and gamplay because of it. You should want to play classic because you want to play classic. Not because you get to get that pretty pink dress you have always wanted on a completely different game.

None of this actually matters to discuss though, considering they already shut this down multiple times now.

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You truly are a product of your environment. I said that getting on a flight path and going to pee wasn’t a social experience. But keep that idea alive since it’s all you have

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You really need to know the difference between asking for something and just throwing it against the wall to get feedback.

I mean you straight up said “I think we should have X” or “I would be really surprised why anyone wouldn’t want Y”.

If you were to say “So what do you think about X?”. Then that would be different. But you didn’t so lets not lie about it dude.

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Even if they ninja it, they would still have a rep about it. Heck, would still even be a bad rep on retail if they are/aren’t known.

And no, it wouldn’t change anyones behavior. That’s like saying everyone should own a horse and not a car.

The AH items wouldn’t increase because you have no way of gaining the gold for what it’s equal to in retail.

For anyone curious about some of the things I am talking about they are explained in this thread if you want to see how much he lies.


How does buying a mount in the store change anything? I shouldn’t have to explain that to a grown man.

How does the SHOP affect gameplay? It doesn’t.

Think of it this way - let’s say Classic comes out. How long do you think people will stand for the same ol’ gameplay?

On respecs:

Can you come up with a good in-game reason why you would want to keep it? We hated it then, it was a cause of great stress due to the cost. It makes no sense to keep it.

I mean I can’t see how you would even suggest this is just “throwing ideas on the wall”.


When there’s zero consistency to what someone says it’s clear that it is not about authenticity; it’s about personal bias.

Well, or trolling. :wink:


Bad rep on retail is literally not a thing anymore. And you admit that they could ninja this stuff so yeah that’s a negative effect.

Your analogy makes no sense. It will change behavior because lets say there is a spellpower chest that drops for shamans is there and a hunter is in the group and thinks ‘I really need this extinct item in my retail account’ and just ninjas it even though he can’t use it. Yeah that just changed his behavior.

Now you are just being disingenuous. I am not saying these items will increase to retail like costs being like 500,000g for a rare green. But they will FOR SURE increase to crazy prices if they are no longer in retail. For example lets say blackened defias armor is no longer in retail (it may be but i have no idea). And let’s say normally they go for 1 gold a piece specifically because of their rarity. WELL lets add in the ingredient of linking retail. You can’t get it on retail so now there is a market for these items for people who don’t even need them, they just want to look cool. The price WOULD skyrocket to a point where no level 20 could realistically afford it because level 60s are all buying them out. This is a fact that blizzard even agrees to which is why it will not be in classic.

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But since then I GASP CHANGED MY MIND.

Find me one post SINCE then wher I advocated a mount store and tokens.

Wait a minute wait a minute wait a minute…

Wait a minute Wait a minute Wait a minute Wait a minute Wait a minute


Because ninja’ing never happened back in Vanilla, right?

people are going to be trading gold from retail to classic, people will mostly likely be doing this with items as well. You have zero control over that, we already opened pandoras box. We have no way of closing it, ether adapted and over come, or sink. But it looks like you’ll be sinking.

I never said ninjaing won’t exist without it I’m saying it will create more.

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Even if this happens this is a negative thing that would’nt happen to anyone though. This would be a transaction between two people agreed upon and nothing is taken away from anyone or anything.

With linking it will create negative aspects in vanilla. I really don’t see why you thought this was related to my point at all.

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It’s not a negative. People that think classic is hard wont play it. By that logic, wouldn’t THAT be a negative for classics “survival”? No from you, just like what I am saying wont be negative also.

I meant to say wouldn’t. And you really have to stop with your analogies my dude they make no sense at all and are irrelevant.

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Your analogy is worse.

For all you know, most people will be getting carried by hardcore classic raiders anyways. So at the end of the day, not a bad thing. Especially if they are in a shared classic/retail guild. But you are loking at it from a small point of view, me, I’m looking at it from space.

I didn’t even make an analogy… are you having a stroke? Also, it clearly is considering blizzard is in no way linking it so this argument is literally unwinnable for you.

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You’re analogy is this, if it wasn’t in classic wow, it doesn’t belong there. You don’t have to saying to know what you stand for. It’s clear as day from my perspective. But even that can be blurry, especially for you.

Blizzzard said no they weren’t going to do classic servers 10 years ago. By that analogy you are using, this shouldn’t be a thing to your “No” to linked accounts.