Please reconsider your stance on retail/classic reward linking

Where did you actually obtain those pets? IN GAME, specifically in the RETAIL GAME.

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You keep trying to use that tactic. If Blizzard put the pet selection on a web site, would it matter as much?

Oh, time for this.

If by tactic, you mean actually using indisputable facts, then yes.

And, right back at you.

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I see you avoided the question.

Lol you are trying to connect things that do not have a connection, there is no part of the collection system involved, none is needed at all to enable the flag for CE pets, they existed well before the system.

Oh i understand what you are claiming just fine, just trying to explain the error in your thinking here.

It’s his way™

I’m sure that the reason why you’re so adamant about keeping things from others is that there’s something you’re ticked about that you’re not getting in Classic, so you want to make sure EVERYONE gets NOTHING.

What is it? A mount? Scarab Lord? Tier 14 PvP?

It has to be something because nobody else cares as much as you do.

EDIT: I figured it out. I looked up his character.

You have all the CEs EXCEPT vanilla. That’s why you want to make sure nobody has the pets from it.

That’s why he’s all about a Classic CE. Now he can have the pets he didn’t get before.

Really seems like you’re taking things personally, Starman. You should probably settle down.


The CE pets and the collections system ARE connected, though. The CE pets are included in that collections system.

You can wish they weren’t, but wishing will not make that connection disappear.

Yeah, no. Fesz is only missing the vanilla CE. That’s what this is all about.

He’s 100% biased.

They are connected NOW, they were not then, they do NOT need to be connected to be enabled for Classic.

Lol I don’t wish they weren’t, it would not be some great feat of engineering for them to make them work like they did before the collection tab existed.

Whatever helps you sleep at night.

Truth. When you made a new character you had to get the quest in the mail and see the NPC about picking one pet. They weren’t connected.

So what did you pick?

I’ve been on the internet long enough to spot why people argue the way he does.

Each character gets to pick one pet. I picked Mini Diablo and Zergling for two different characters.

Nobody picked panda cub did they?

i did on this guy.

You’re a bit late on that one, Starman.

I already said in an earlier post that I did not have the original CE or the BFA CE.

Once again, though, this has nothing to do with my not having those pets.

I have explained numerous times that I simply do not want Blizzard to even give the appearance of a precedent for linking the two games.

Then again, I’d be very surprised if more than a few people don’t use those CE pets and/or Murky as a means to justify trying to get the “account wide” collections system implemented into classic. From there, it would only be a very small step to getting items linked between classic and retail.

IMO, this is the true motivation that some people have for insisting that those CE pets be part of Classic. They do not care about the pets. They only see those pets as a means to an end.


So rather than get something from diablo or starcraft you got a panda cub?

I wonder what you’re like in person.