Please Reconsider Your Removal of Sex Positive Character Flirts and Jokes

Is this relating to how Blizzard kicked women out of their lactating room?


I assume you actually don’t know this, but the joke is about thick thighs which is commonly used by men to assign value of women’s attractiveness.


People are still going to objectify women no matter how much censorship you introduce into Warcraft.

This is a crusade of pointlessness, cause it won’t stop everyone else from advertising what you’re bent on protecting.


The only reason I do /silly and /flirt is to see how dirty they are. If the “clean them up” them I’ll be a bit saddened and not do them anymore

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Thought it was about your hoofs

This is why the jokes should stay, some can be taken a few differnt ways


However, as the game less and less condone it by doing it itself, less and less the community will be complacent to it, or the people who are will stop feeling welcome.

If you still dont get it, there is a difference between what you want to say, and what you are telling to each people.

When you as a player come here and say “I feel bothered that you changed the picture and removed emotes, and I might stop playing if I cant have that.”

What you are telling the people who did it is: “You did a good job, and the intention was to have me change my ways or go away, and I am going.”

So, when you get to understand that it is not a matter of “making the game adequate to the community” but “making the community adequate to the game”, you might stop creating “congratulatory threads” showing how effective the changes really are in shaping who feels welcome in the game and who doesnt.

There is no basis to say that.

Actually, Blizzard is very open about not accepting certain behaviors. And some actions shows exactly the opposite, like banning all the kinds of softwares that might be used in multiboxing, and possibly eliminating people who alone pays 10 or more times what others pay.

You might think whatever you want, but reality doesnt really tells it is true.

On the other hand, they might have people you call “snowflakes” paying more the 100 times what the “oh so thick skinned people who doesnt buy in the shop”. At the end of the day, for blizzard and the people who plays the game regardless is a win win.

There is only one people losing, and by the tone of the topics, you know who.


I dunno.

Losing a CEO, paying out 18 mill and still being hit by a barrage of lawsuits seems like a fairly compelling argument for Blizzards sudden change in likeness for its game.


That one is awkward if someone is playing a character that isn’t into girls so I understand why that one is getting yeeted

Excuse me for saying, but I think all of you are making a big deal out of nothing. The emotes are irrelevant and their removal (or inclusion for that matter) does nothing to help or harm anybody. None of it was ever intended to be taken seriously.

It’s simply Blizzard trying–and failing in some regards–to placate themselves and their consumers whilst ignoring the larger issues at hand, as per the norm.

I am just asking both sides to turn off the emotional drivel and use their heads. They likely won’t but here’s hoping.

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You’re absolutely right. I don’t think they care about the wars/killing in the name of religion, building weapons so powerful and then threaten to turn them on one another. Destabilizing governments like its a game of Risk. Yeah I’m sure its definitely because of being woke.

Remember guys this is blizzards game not ours as players.

If we don’t like what they are doing its our fault not theirs.

Really wish Dream Haven would come out with the next gen MMO already.

That one is quite funny
 that said
 no one will listen to you. The devs will just remove it and move on. Soulless devs claiming they would do more good than harm with such things.


I honestly didn’t know about these. Seems reasonable within the “mild suggestive theme.”

Remember this is still PTR T = Test in this case. We do not know what will be for final release. Heck for all we know once the scandal dies down blizzard may bring some of this stuff back.

Exactly, we either burn down together with this circus or we don’t set anything on fire.

Now that our woke boys started this crusade they better go all the way in and sanitize everything. It wouldn’t be fair to pick and choose what is considered “offensive” based on some distorted moral compass.

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This one gets it.


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This is literally a joke about their horns that’s a gotcha for dirty mind lmao. Blizz are so clueless.


Honk Honk :clown_face:

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i just wana flirt with all of you