Please Read - They Need to re-work or remove the MoP Black Prince Reputation

I wanted to get exalted with every reputation in MoP, untill i got to the The Black Prince reputation. This used to take about a hour to get exalted, by killing celestials on the isle of thunder. They removed the cloak quest and achievement but left the reputation in there so if you never picked up the cloak quest or your a new player, mobs on the isle of thunder wont give you reputation

The only way to get exalted is by Killing a celestial once a week for 500xp every week for 77 weeks and without a 100% reputation token at revered. Blizzard Support says this is intended but This really doesn’t seem as intended It just seems like they took out the questline without giving a tought about the green reputation bar. And Why don’t out of all MoP timewalking badges do they NOT give Black Prince Reputation?

Blizzards legacy loot system, where if you run through a raid/dungeon thats 11 levels below you or more you get the legacy loot rules which means you will get loot as if you were in a full raid group.

There are many examples of this. Players have the time and opportunity to go back and do quests and seek out loot and achievements that they otherwise may have missed. As much as I want to believe that there is a technical reason for pulling this questline and removing the ability to get reputation on the isle of thunder, I just cant fathom what it would be. But one things for sure they did not think about new players or players that have not done the removed quest line wanting to get reputation from mobs on the Isle of Thunder.


There was no reason to remove the legendary questlines from Mists or Warlords. Those were storylines and Wrathion’s was extremely important.


77 weeks isnt that bad


They had to deny the plebs access to the cape!

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That’s over a year, about a year and half actually. For one reputation.


don’t you start at a slightly higher amount of rep if you’ve completed the fangs of the father questline

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I agree. There was absolutely zero reason to remove this sort of game content and Ive never seen any explanation that justifies it.

They did something similar when they removed the Zandalar Tribe. I got a couple of my characters to Friendly, almost Honored and then I think during Cata they removed the NPCs from the islands (even though the islands are still there) and made it impossible to complete the rep. I recall something similar happened to the ones in Dire Maul (Shen’Dralar I think it was).

I really dislike content being removed for no real purpose.


I maxed his rep, yet cannot do his quest.

They never should have removed the MoP Cape and WoD Ring quests


I wish all of Wrathion’s questlines were still in the game because I think many people misunderstand the character without them.

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I had no clue who he was when he showed up in BFA. I didn’t play from the end of Vanilla until the end of Legion, so it’s mostly my fault.

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It isn’t your fault, friend, it is Blizzard’s for not keeping their questlines for no reason. I guess, just be thankful that his lore isn’t restricted to books (I guess the pre-Dragonflight novella “The Vow Eternal” counts as out-of-game lore, but if you didn’t read it, you literally aren’t missing anything important lol).


wait until you decide you want to get all of the vanilla reps done.


Of course not… You’re Unemployed. You’ve got nothing better to do. Some of us work part time and play a second MMO, and have kids, and smoke, so… yea.

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i know what you where trying to say. fixed it for you. /s

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The cloak and questline never should have been removed. It was an important part of the MoP storyline and it introduced an important lore character (Wrathion.)

They should bring it back immediately so people can get their cloak and access to Ordos. This goes for the ring as well.

All they have to do to appease those of us that were there is to not bring the title back and give ring holders from WoD the “Legend of Draenor” title.


I do too.

MoP leggo cape which involved half the people who had it running LFR to get the QItems, not fun at all… Not “legendary” at all.
Legion Mage Tower Appearances where arguably everyone waiting until 7.3.5 to fully outgear it and then roflstomp it and get them, appearances weren’t “earned” at all and weren’t “coveted”
WoD ring legendary being absolutely forgettable!

I could understand their removal if they remained difficult to get through the entire expansion and actually FELT legendary, but none of it did… So why remove it?

Just mental and ghetto


If you change the order of your post, you get your answer. The only exception is that the Mage Tower was designed specifically to be exclusive to Legion. They reintroduced it and we got more stuff from it, but different.

No one cares about the old “legendaries” at all, and if we consider the transmog-aspects of them well… There will always be expansion specific and restricted stuff in every expansion. Which is part of the nature of keeping WoW going and not making it into a hellish game of “attunements for your attunements”. And this is just the mechanical side of things, when we get into the fun stuff which is transmog and stuff like that … that’s primarily what people play the game for - to get these appearances associated with certain types of harder or easier content.
Which can only be classified as such if it is current content. So there are some small bits and bobs here and there that become exclusive, even if the vast majority of the game remains available to everyone.

So… why reintroduce stuff that folks genuinely don’t care about except because others tell them to care about them? Questlines and the like shouldn’t be reintroduced but you wanna know what should be? Lore-NPCs that makes it so you can watch cutscenes or summaries of what happened. The problem with that is that we can’t really get those anymore unless they become these fully animated things, which whilst they would be cool … why would they put that much effort into something people won’t see?

Both us as players and Blizzard learned this back during Cataclysm when they remade the world. No one actually saw the new quests unless they made new characters. Which a significant portion of the players do, but not in any way shape or form that promotes the game looking or appearing “cooler”. Folks who were level 80 by the time Cataclysm came around was just as confused as a completely new level 1 character and player. The difference is that the game is built around the endgame so unless you made a new character to level through it from 1-60, the game just randomly… looked differently. For no good reason at all, except through the explanation of “Deathwing did it”.

Extrapolate that to the old items and quests and you kinda end up in a situation where adding them back to the game, as cool as it would be for us who already know the quests … it doesn’t benefit anyone. You need the entire 1-120 (pre-Chromie in order words) to get the full story. Otherwise … sure, it can be put back into the game but… who is it for? People who already know the story? Well, we already know it so why would we care? For people who doesn’t know it? Well, folks who started playing the game long after Wrath of the Lich King doesn’t give a damn about who Arthas is but say that to anyone of us long time players and that’s blasphemy.

So… to answer your question “Why remove it?”:
Because it is like you said … it is all completely forgettable. So let’s forget about it and move on with the game with new stuff that folks actually care about, new and old players … rather than just old players who think “young whippersnappers” is gonna care about what we know of the old sections of the game.

I am fine with them just changing the Black Prince rep to legacy only so people who haven’t started on it can’t.

This is still better than some of the other reps in the game.

There is no good reason the legendary quests from MoP and WoD both were important to the story and other legendary quests that have way less story importance looking at the two from Wrath especially are still in game.

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This is a reason not to introduce it in the first place. This is not a reason to remove it. Removing it took work. It took time and effort of people to remove it. There ought to be a compelling reason TO remove it.

Well…those of us who do timewalking gearing care a great deal about them, but we’re kind of weird, and that’s not a great reason to add it back to the game.

Putting aside all the loveably crazy people who do Loremaster and the people who just want to experience all the story the game has to offer, we can still come back to the fact that Wratheon is a main character in the current story. That makes people care about his past.