Please Read - They Need to re-work or remove the MoP Black Prince Reputation

anyone remember vanilla’s version of Wildhammer Clan rep? :eyes:

i 'member

Blizzard loves FOMO, to the detriment of us all.


The rep is still able to be completed, it just takes like 18 months. But yeah, the removal of the Mists cloak and WoD ring are two of my biggest long-standing issues with the game. Mostly because it is vital story content. In WoD, it was the ONLY post-launch story content.

At the very least these reps should be available at the TW vendor (but they’re not)

Makes no sense why each TW vendor doesn’t have every rep available to purchase

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This just isn’t a good enough reason. The story content is important, and every other legendary besides Atiesh is still in the game. My problem with it is how arbitrary it was, and how it makes Wrathion utterly non-sensical without watching a YouTube video. And as I mentioned above, there is literally no patch content related to the story in WoD with the ring quest gone. I have never, and will never let this one go. It was non-sensical to remove them.

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I ain’t touching whether one should or shouldn’t introduce something, personally I’m all for experimenting since that’s how real long-lasting improvements are discovered and made. But I know not all think like me. But in terms of why to remove it, I covered it in my response, and that is merely a very short summary of it.

Don’t take things out of context.

Let’s be honest… this doesn’t make you care about these legendaries though, it makes you glad that you have gamebreaking gear. If there was another option to be able to break the game, you’d use that as well.

Very few people actually cares about the old legendaries. Not even the ones we got that took effort to get when it was current content, and this includes even older stuff from raids and quest chains. It isn’t the legendaries themselves that we care about, it is the collection of them. But to actually make use of them like you are, it means that you care even less about them - because… would you still use them during timewalking if they made your character worse?

If you would, then I stand corrected and you do care about them a lil’bit more. But otherwise, you actually care about them even less than most other folks since then the collection of them doesn’t even matter. Regardless though, you are right in that it ain’t a reason to re-introduce them.

Nope. Folks care about current Wrathion which we have explanations in-game for. You can talk with NPCs and get a very short explanation as to who he is and if you care about the character, after that you go digging. But besides that, most people only care about the current iteration of things.

This isn’t debatable by the way because this is just based on psychology. The reason why Apple, Microsoft, and Nokia Phones are the way they are today is direct evidence of it. People consume lore and other people just the same way we consume books or stories, the older the story, the less appealing it is to a lot of people. Sadly.

See my response above.

You can have your opinion of this but… doesn’t really change anything of what I said. Or how people work.

If you don’t do the cloak quest Wrathion is just a guy who falls out of the sky in BfA.


EVERY character is one that falls out of the sky in every expansion if you don’t read or listen to their dialogues. Wrathion gets explained in BFA through cutscenes and when he’s helping us deal with N’Zoth’s corruption, not to mention he is the first raid boss in Ny’alotha where he talks about if he had fallen to corruption. In Dragonflight we get what I quoted above, but he was explained in BFA as well.

So… sure? But, nothing about you said really has or serve and point or… says anything other than “Yes… so?”.

Never my intent, but quoting the entire thread is a waste of space, so I pick the snippets that corrospond. Your argument, so far as I can understand it, is that “nobody cares, so why reintroduce them?” The counterargument is implied in both the creation of this thread and in my response: people do care, which is why we’re here.

not that this is the point of the discussion, but You’re absolutely right, I don’t particularly care (although others do), but I no longer understand your argument. You assert that people who use an item just for its stats don’t really care about the item, but you are also ismissive in your last post about people who want it for transmog (which I do have some passing interest in, but admittedly not enough to care). How is that not caring about them???

…yes? You’ve arrived at the crux of the issue: the missing story quests. People can’t go back and do them if they want to. Some people, myself included, want to. Earlier this year I tried, in fact, before realizing that its impossible to start. Those quests can offer zero reward and they’d still be worth having in the game.


It isn’t. I explain why reintroducing them is bad for the game and something the vast majority of players have absolutely zero interest in. Except as something more to collect, and that’s it. If the collection of it is all the matters, then the items themselves doesn’t matter - just the implicit value of “having” it.

Simple, and to demonstrate my point: the Mage Tower.
If you played during Legion, you got one set of cosmetics.

If you didn’t, you can’t get them anymore. I explained why this is good for the game due to a necessity of it (if one doesn’t like that, one should play games like ESO where all content remains relevant at all times - WoW isn’t structured for that and Dragonflight proved that through and through).

But you can get new cosmetics. Other cosmetics. You can get recolours of sets that we have never seen before (the colours that is). New stuff is better than merely reintroducing old stuff, ergo … advocate for the addition of new stuff rather than the reintroduction of old stuff that generally speaking no one cares about.

We care about what we can access within’ our relevant gameplay sphere. Not so much what exists outside of it. It is fun to explore some stuff but then those need to be tied to events, whether permanent or temporary events. See the introduction of new “secret” unlockable old dungeons and raids as an example of what I mean. Just adding them back to the game ain’t interesting for most people, but you make it into an event then “Oooooh! Shiny new thing! The thing may be old but oh, it has been polished with this new thing!” (see ALL of the Classic servers for that, as well as other servers doing the same thing).

And you, ironically, missed the point in that they aren’t missing. They aren’t there but we have explanations as to what happened, we have folks telling us what happened. We have the stories even if we miss the quests.

If all people cared about were the quests, then I’d believe you. If let’s say 50-60% of the entire playerbase had the Lorewalker achievement and updated it every expansion then I’d believe you. But without statistics to show this … I’m inclined to be very doubtful people care that much about the quests, which again would just be another collectible statistic.

Folks want to know who the current characters we are dealing with are. So we get cutscenes, dialogue, voice overs, conversations, and folks eluding towards things. All of these things are good for storytelling purposes. We don’t need to know every detail of every character to find them interesting. If we find them interesting enough, we go looking for more information … and we don’t do this in-game.

Ever since the fall of sites like Thottbot and the death of video game magazines, we look for additional information on forums, websites, video essays, and so on. And it is worth noting that we are an oddity. When I was studying journalism we did a thought experiment where we were asked if folks engage on forums, and about 8-10% of the people in the class raised their hands. Which we were told is about where you’d expect people to go and be active in debates and conversations with others online.

Most people are silent. I don’t have the statistics for this claim so take it with a handful of salt, it could be WILDLY wrong but from everything I have learned of people online is that … this is roughly accurate. I’m saying this because the number of people who truly care about who Wrathion is and want more than what’s available in-game is going to go and look it up. Not actually go and do quests in old zones.

Which, again, is why new players don’t care about Arthas at all. Old important characters are just… old. No one cares about them unless they are relevant. Wrathion’s backstory beyond what is told through cutscenes, dialogue, and things like that isn’t relevant. No matter who the character is. Doesn’t matter if it is Silas, any of the Fordragons, Arthas, Chen, or even Magni.

I am a lore nerd so I look up stuff about these and basically any character I come across. But that’s the thing, I need to come across them in the first place before I have an interest in them. I can’t be interested in someone or something I don’t know who they are or even if they exist. But that also means that their presentation matters, because I haven’t looked up who Todd is, but I still get enough from her story in Dragonflight to understand who she is. Maybe she has a backstory like Silas and then I’ll have to look it up. But… Wrathion is explained, and quests aren’t necessary to do so.

I have introduced several people to WoW who have never played any expansion prior to Warlords. They still get who these characters are without these questlines. I don’t think the removal of questchains is good, but I get why content does get removed. I’d much rather they’d add more stories to characters like Lorewalker Cho so they could have plays like those that folks can go and see. Heck, I talked about how they needed to be events so make it an event in the calender!

“Lorewalker Cho storyweek”! Or whatever else like that, where they just grab a bunch of old models and make a small play with them going through small tidbits of old storylines. Point is still this:
The actual questline is pointless, and the rewards from it are even less relevant than that.

(Also sorry for waffling on a bit, I need to get better at writing shorter posts on these forums…)

my guild sucked at the time so i 100% lfr it to get the cloak. i got like half of the mage tower skins by just out gearing it and going in blind. i will never understand why people act like the mage tower skins were special or hard outside of how buggy healing was. there was at least 5 skins i got where i had no clue what i was doing for that spec and i still 1-2 shot it due to over gearing to get the skin on the off chance i wanted to play it in the future. or the fact disc priest and bm hunters could do it without taking damage thanks to the neck. stuff shouldnt be removed from the game so a few people could feel special


You realize this is a major portion of the game for many people?


Even current raiding for some is just an obstacle to get gear so they can parse (not just complete the raid).

Unless there’s some major technical limitation as to why this stuff cannot stay in the game it’s wild that people are actively supporting the elimination of content.


You either haven’t made the argument or I haven’t found it compelling that reintroducing the questlines is bad for the game, but let’s talk about that second point for a smidge. The majority of players never mythic raid either, but that doesn’t mean it’s without value. The majority of players don’t get KSM/KSH, but that doesn’t mean they don’t matter. The majority of players don’t do pet battle dungeons, but that doesn’t mean they don’t matter. The VAST majority of players never post on the forum, but that doesn’t mean that they don’t matter.

Ah, the “limited time offer” argument. I don’t agree, but I see where you’re coming from.

See above for my thoughts on “most people.” R-enabling old content is less work than making “shiny new thing,” so that’s a point in its favor. However, here we very much agree. I like the new reintroduction of old dungeons they’ve been experimenting with and the SoD. Both are solid, and I would love to get more like it. Failing that, though, just give us back what used to be.

“Don’t worry, you don’t have to watch that movie. Dave here can tell you all about what happened, can’t you, Dave?”

“Books? Why do you wanna read the books, we just saw the movie!?”

Recaps and flashbacks are nice, don’t get me wrong, but they’re not faithful renditions of the original work and are often full of conjecture, baseless or not.

Again, this isn’t about whether its something for a majority. There’s a demand for it by people who care about this.

Would be amazing! (not a replacement for bringing the full quest text back, but amazing!). I was a bit fan of the Ardenweld plays on the theater stage. We can have both! Why not both?

I don’t feel like we’re asking for a major development time project here. Sure, it’s not trivial, but this is already-made content.

The lack of maintaining for old content is pathetic. It needs to be standardized. Past expansions shouldn’t be glaring eyesores.

Honestly I care not for the cloak itself, I care about the questline and the story within it. Give me a knock-off cap, even if I can’t use it to get to Ordos after the questline is completed. I just want to experience the Pandaria story in full.

Timegating cosmetics, I hate it but can live with it. Timegating the story (as in removing it afterwards, not releasing it slowly to set a pace), why? Why would you put so much effort into something and someone’s story, their character development, to just remove it? Seems like a bad practice to me.

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Maybe they’ll just give us Exalted with that faction as a Twitch reward one day. That seems to be how things are going :wink:

It’s sad that new players will miss out on being able to tell Khadgar that you lost the legendary ring in WoD.


Do kids prevent you from doing a 10 second mob kill once a week?

TLDR: It was designed that way on purpose

The reason it is designed that way is that you did not complete the requirement in the provided time frame and must therefore be punished. :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

It is the same reason that they remove the gates from most capital cities after an expansion…Play Our Way (POW)@. By making day to day activities more difficult/time consuming and/or less rewarding, they ummm, encourage people to move on the the Newest Thing@.

Another example is that they are now making new characters on existing accounts do the original SL campaign if players wants to use the new character in SL. Waste people’s time with an inane campaign they have done multiple times so that they go play BFA instead…for reasons.

Blizzard has never been very good at subtle.

No but they will for sure stop you from having time for not ONE but TWO mmos.