Please RE-Merge OCE+US

Keep your wig on players with jobs are only just hitting 70 and gearing up for arena. The pool is growing, stop being an impatient no lifer.

Tune this then, give us our own ladder. Stuff playing on 200-300 ping, its horrendous.

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You literally cant find games above 1800 some nights, that wont change even if we get our own ladder

I’m very aware of the current queue times. I sat 4-5hr EoTS queues during the first week so I could get gear as fast as possible.
I’ve just levelled my alt with some friends and we still got into arena with 50-100 resil on classes my friends had no experience on.
If you’re worried about waiting long queues for blue gear I’d have thought you’d be more concerned waiting extra weeks for Epic Arena gear due to not playing arena.

While you’re pushing 1800 the majority of the player base is still prepping.

I am doing 10 games a week since I hit 70. I am not as concerned about arena points because I know overtime I will eventually get to the stage where I can take it seriously and not be limited by lack of resilience.

I do the pvp daily on my alt each weekday then do some bgs on the weekend if I have time. My main and alt both dont have full honor off pieces. I had no honor banked coming into tbc. I arena most days.

Im sorry but you’re dreaming if you think the majority of the playerbase isnt already 70 and well on the way to decently geared already

can we remove tornado’s from Nagrand arena

I hit 70 about a week ago and I’m in a guild of about 50 people all who recent did as well looking to focus on pvp.

A huge proportion of players are 30ish. They have jobs and families. I play an unhealthy amount given my other commitments and have solely been playing wow anfld I’ve only just hit 70.

You’re dreaming.

And as the other guy said. A lot are just trying to prep. Not everyone was a sweaty day 1 player. Nothing against that though.

+1 to re-merging us. As far as I know end of season rewards/titles are merged with NA anyway so it makes no sense to not have us merged. How can we compete and earn high ratings when queues don’t pop at 1900MMR. It almost makes earning end of season rewards impossible (ie. Rank 1, Glad, etc).

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This is so far the only valid argument in the whole dicussion as to why a merg should happen.

This is something they should change. But merging is not the answer. Wait for the average player to catch up and fill the void. Not everyone is on centerlink some need to pay the taxes these no lifers live on. Others that do work and have families must be neglecting every other aspect of life to be fully geared to push high ranking now.

Once again the 5% of sweat sooking the games not catering to them.

6 weeks since TBCC launched, if the average worker played every sat and sun and got 1 level per day they will have only just been hitting 70 now.

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Sounds like the original classic experience.

Everyone I know, myself included, levelled from 60 to 70 while working full time, 45+ hours a week. So maybe it’s a case of echo chamber syndrome (in your case, or mine, or both).

Regardless, if you’re playing that infrequently (or inefficiently), you’re not going to be the kind of player that contributes in any meaningful way to arena ladder activity. You’ll just do your 10 games every other week and log off.

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+1 merge oce+us

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In addition to this if you’re in that portion of players you also wouldn’t be impacted by higher rated teams getting games against NA players after a few minutes in queue.

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Theres players with years of arena experience and lives outside of the game. I havve a wife a son and work in the mines doing rotating roster averaging 45 hour weeks with 10 hours travel. On my days off I spend time with my wife and son, keep physically fit, take care of chores and house work and play wow.

Many are in the same boat as me, many have other hobbies as well. Now as I’ve said if you spent every spare moment you have in this situation you’re only just hitting 70 now.

Once you’re geared it doesn’t take much time to push high rating, unless you lose too many games (bad ping potentially).