yass queen, slay
It’s about 14k a day… not totally unachievable; assuming you have 3 alts you could easily acquire this by just spamming WQ’s which generally yield about 4-5k on each toon.
Not an easy grind that way and you’ll need to invest something like 30hrs a week to farm it out but it’s “possible”.
It’s also not like the mount is gone, it’s been moved to the black market AH which generally you’ll get a lot of interesting things from the caches there anyway.
And the price was more than most players could make in a decade, let alone a year.
Honestly Blizzard should give this mount (for free) to anyone who remained subscribed for the entirety of BFA as a thank you.
Then people play this game all wrong. Having an AH at your beckon call whenever and wherever you want it with out the need to log off of a character is beyond epic!
If these people truly exsist they are prolly the types who don’t change their tmog at the least 5 times a day and those are the type of players I want nothing to do with.
No having an AH at your beckoning call was whats hot!
that is actually a great idea bfa was kinda whack
It is very achievable to get five million gold in a year. Even with all the nerfs to gold.
It will still be around on the BMAH from time to time so it is not gone forever. More importantly if you did not have the 5 million gold it means you did not live on the AH which that mount is clearly designed around. A mobile AH is not really that good unless you spend the majority of your time on it. The mount is large and clunky on top of its general uselessness to a majority of the population. They gave ample warning as above posters have said and if 1 year time was not enough time to earn the 5 million (which for many people it would not be) clearly you are not focused enough on playing the AH (the design of the mount).
US dollars? Yes, wow Gold? No. Unless… I already explained the unless.
Sure, if you drop literally every other aspect of the game and devote every hour of your time to earning gold.
There is more to life than garbage wow mounts. Feel good about not having it.
You get thousands of gold a week just doing content like world quests. If you save your gold and don’t waste it you can easily earn five million gold in a year.
Like unlocking the Kul Tiran? hahahaha nah. That mount was not garbage.
thats another reason why i didnt buy the longboi. im a transmog fiend.
You will be met mostly by responses justifying that you had enough time/notice to get the Brutosaur. Talking about returning the Brutosaur will be a largely fruitless discussion judging from 30 posts in.
Instead maybe talk about how Blizzard should understand that 95+% of players will never be able to afford 1 million mount, much less a 5 million or gold cap mount. Also, if a mount is suppose to cost an exorbitant amount of gold at least make it unique. Prime example being the 90K reskinned pterodactyls/gryphons or 500K white direhorn.
If you want to have a few pricy mounts like the Brutosaur or 2 mil spider or 500K warframe sure, but at least keep most other mounts (especially reskins) at lower costs.
I just get enough gold to buy a token every month and spend the rest on battle pets and transmogs OwO
This is a semi foolish statement for a large percentage of the player base. You have to earn 96,154 gold per week to get 5 million in a 52 week (1 year) period. That requires a focus on making gold, not just doing world quests and a few old raids.
I can give you 5 million reasons and a chase for WOW mounts isnt one of them.
ok… truthfully yea thats my reason too. lol I dunno maybe I could’ve saved, but I already had my dream mount and it cost only around 120k.
It’s about 14k a day… not totally unachievable; assuming you have 3 alts you could easily acquire this by just spamming WQ’s which generally yield about 4-5k on each toon.
Not an easy grind that way and you’ll need to invest something like 30hrs a week to farm it out but it’s “possible”.