Please put back PvP honor vendors & resilience

  1. put back pvp vendors
  2. Bring back resil
  3. honor gear. Blue level
  4. Conquest epic level
  5. Bring back talent trees

oh and
allow solo queue for RBGs


For the love of god yes to all of these things

It’s also 2020, I don’t think we need classic style talent trees but I’m sure we can think of something a bit better than what we have

I’m sick of these borrowed power systems trying to fill the gaps the lack of talents leaves

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As cookie-cutter as that would inevitably be…

The alternative that we’ve had for 2 expansions and counting isn’t any better, i would excuse Legion if all that power didn’t vanish come BFA, at that point, it’s just as borrowed as everything in BFA has been.

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Yes to solo queue RNGs.

Mixed on the rest. The reward structure right now isn’t great but going back to PvP gear as the default welfare gear (from the change to buy with honor at the end of Vanilla until Legion) doesn’t sound great either.

I can dig all of those changes. Yes please Blizzard. Yes please.

Welfare gear drops everywhere

They could easily just add some mythic 0 powered gear to pvp with a vendor and the whole pvp world would be amazing


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Mythic 0 is 400 item level which is trash lol.

It already gives a full set of 415 then a full set of 430 at a rate of 1 item per week. That would be a downgrade.

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Okay well give us reasonable pvp gear
There are like a million things they could do

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To be honest I don’t count it as welfare when stat allocation is lost to PvP specific stats.

Sure it might be the same ilvl as a normal raid drop, but performance wise in PvE it would probably be more equivalent to a Heroic dungeon piece.

Also those pieces still took a lot of time to earn, compared to rng drops like today that are equal to PvE pieces anyway.
Seems only like improvements to me.

Sure you could say people are getting access to bought epics though, but epics mean nothing in todays game anyway.

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@OP, good post.

I suspect the only reason blizz, and some players, aren’t interested is because they only PvE and expect that their PvE gear should always be best for PvP.

Also, can people quit it with the “welfare gear” complaint? What’s closest to “welfare gear” (WQs for example) isn’t good for anything except for alts until they get something better from expending time playing.

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I just want PvP rewards that give better gear for PvP than PvE.

A player in PvE gear Mythic or whatever, should not be able to defeat a player in PVP gear

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“People where having a hard time finding the pvp vendors”

Yet they give us a system like this down the road.

Logic = 0

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Straight honor gear= green ilevel of say 400
Honor + conquest= blue ilevel 430
Conquest+honor=purple 440
Marks of Honor= upgrades and cosmetics

Win 2 of each bg each week= something

They should of put a simple pvp vendor in for 8.3 and it would of made the patch alot better. Like crap even have a junior dev work on it for exerience or somthing so minimal resorces are being taken.


5 won’t happen, they have burned that bridge already. And I would be amazed if they ever added a “queue” for rated BGs, let alone a solo one.

No. What they should do is standardize gear across the board for all players in Battlegrounds and Arenas. I would also go so far as to say that it should also be the case for World PvP but I’m not so sure (World PvP is more akin to sandbox PvP and maybe gear disparities should exist).

Agreed, I haven’t PvP’d since MoP and Bliz needs to go back to what worked.

Didn’t they already sorta do that in Legion and it was vehemently hated?

Was it? I don’t think I ever say any hate for standardizing gear for PvP. The only players would would possibly be against this are the hard core PvE players who hate PvP but really enjoy one shotting those pesky PvP players who don’t have the high level gear that they do.

Yeah, it was quickly removed after a single expansion. Even PvP players want their gear progression to be meaningful.