Please please please bring back Legion Artifact appearances for Druids!

It’ll be available in rated BG blitz next expansion. If you’ve already waited this long it’ll be significantly easier soon.

Nope. Won’t be a thing. Will get new ones but the old is no longer obtainable.

Also OP why do you want them when you still haven’t even gotten the fel bear? It’s mage tower time walking right now, go get your were bear if you want a were bear.

Having the others unlocked means nothing if you’re not even going to do the tower now and show you can get them. Prove your worthy.

Aye, but that’s Ion, who also said, no flying in WoD in a very determined way, then created Pathfinder. I supectt he and others at Blizz will change their decisions if the economics dictate it would be a good idea.

I have no stance on it either way as I chose not to do the MT back then but frankly nothing would surprise me about content decisions nowadays.

Pathfinder isn’t equal to a solo challenge that was constantly told to players was time limited though. You’re comparing an open world quality of life change to a transmog appearance that, let’s face it, players can live without.

The bigger problem is where is the line? If Blizzard brings back original mage tower rewards, then what about the challenge mode rewards from MoP and WoD? What about glad mounts, titles, weapon illusions, m+ mounts, armor illusions, etc etc it goes on. Blizzard knows it is a can of worms and their stance on it is pretty final. Some things are never coming back.

Look at Corrupted Ashbringer, how many of those do you see around? It took almost no skill to get, just RNG, and yet it is never coming back. Not even to the BMAH. I believe mage tower skins are in the same category according to all the info available from Blizz on the matter.

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It keeps players playing so it is to the benefit of blizzard and to a lesser extent to the playerbase because having more people playing throughout the expansion helps keep the game active.

I don’t have any of these appearances but I don’t think they should come back either - blizzard stated they were time limited and only available for the expansion. People made the decision to work on them on that basis when they could have easily just waited until it was easier.

No one needs to have everything in this game, especially cosmetics to enjoy it.

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The current guardian MT took me maybe 4 tries and that was just relearning what knocks me off. It’s super easy. Worthy lol.

Why is this the mantra of everyone opposed? It’s almost as bad as “well you’re not forced to do x”…



Just because you don’t like that answer and/or you can’t argue that answer doesn’t make it untrue.

It is a fact that nobody needs all the rewards in this game. The MT weapon and druids skins are cosmetic and every thing cosmetic is 100% optional.

It’s also a fact that you don’t need to do anything in this game, and that includes Plunderstorm. Again, rewards are cosmetic and every thing cosmetic is 100% optional.


How is asking for something to return “needing to have everything in the game”? It’s a throw away answer.

Nobody NEEDS to play wow at all. Here we are coming back to this. Wow is not a necessity. It is a luxury product/service that we pay for and have valid opinions on. Saying “nobody needs something or nobody is forced to do x” is very disingenuous.


Content in general keeps players playing. It doesn’t need to go away forever when it’s done. All that does is create spiteful collectors.


There is a difference between content and rewards. Blizzard returned the content, the mage tower is there again. The rewards didn’t come back. Big difference. I wish they would add them back but it isn’t happening. Blizzard knows what will happen, as it is every single one of these threads just turns into arguments and pettiness.

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Nothing will happen. They’ll be a few post crying that they don’t feel 0.212% as special anymore then it’ll be business as usual.

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I don’t think the appearances should come back. they were limited time, and should stay that way.

0 objection to recolors. bring on the recolors.

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Just for argument’s sake, if they did come back would that affect your wow sub?

It is never going to happen. The mage tower rewards aren’t coming back, it doesn’t matter how anyone feels about it.

Recolors would have been nice but that time has passed. Certain they wouldn’t retroactively reward them for those who already completed the latest version of the mage tower since you need the achievement to get the rewards.


it would affect my response to future “limited time” items though. I’m not jumping through hoops if they’re just going to go back on their word later.

FWIW, I’d be 100% on board with blizz never doing a “limited time” thing again. But the things they have done as limited time should stay that way.


This is the throw away statement.

I’m pointing out the need vs. want argument inside of WoW and you think you have some trump card by saying “well nobody needs to play!”

That is being disingenuous, just like you were in the Plunderstorm thread.

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They’ve said the same thing about many things in wow. Biggest of all, classic servers. Remember the big “wall of no” post that floated around for many years about classic servers? Also regarding classic servers “you think you do but you don’t”?


Well, the funny thing about that is them saying no to stuff like this is older than the desire for classic servers.


It is never going to happen. I want some of the mage tower skins I never attempted, but I also am a reasonable person with realistic expectations. Every single one of these posts just represents a can of worms for Blizzard. There is no outcome where everyone is happy. Using something like bringing about Classic era servers is not the same thing. Not by a mile. Blizzard stood to make a lot of money off Classic, so they were motivated to do it. There is nothing to gain by making mage tower rewards come back. And that opens the door for players to demand more things come back. Glad mounts, pvp sets, challenge mode sets and weapons. There has to be a line drawn somewhere.

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