Under Development: WoW Remix: Mists of Pandaria

I don’t know why you’re replying to me with that wall of text. I have CM stuff and mage tower original rewards. I’m all for Blizzard reintroducing them. I am not for this player who keeps quoting me because I reiterated what Blizzard already did about this MoP event. The CM sets aren’t coming back. Boohoo.

Be careful, those types of people don’t respond well to logic.

Then why have you argued against me with such gusto? And you called me a troll…


I haven’t argued against you, you’re mad at anyone who says a word to you.

I can’t control what Blizzard does. I can provide their quotes. They’re not bringing the rewards back. Everything you’re taking out on me should be at Blizzard, hence why I think you’re infantile. It is baby rage.

You’ve done nothing but.

You could say “yea it’d be cool to bring those back” but instead you parrot Blizzards words and throw insults…like a kid.

It isn’t my responsibility to read or comprehend things for you. Also, telling you that you’re behaving like a child is not an insult. I’m observing your behavior and it isn’t kind nor courteous. You’re mad at Blizzard but you take it out on anyone who doesn’t share your exact opinion. It is child like behavior. Following me from another post is the same.

You do share my opinion, you’ve just been insulting me over and over and over because I’ve expressed it slightly different than you did.

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I know tons of people, including me, who still futz about in their Garrison, and/or Legion Hall(s), and/or SL Faction(s). We/they/MANY people still go back and run old raids/dungeons/world bosses/events/quests regularly for Mogs and toys and such. There’s a million old recipes to collect from every profession that will give you “evergreen” things for your account. While each thing individually does get boring and played out, as a whole they always give you something to work towards. When one of them dulls for you then switch to another. If they add more of this stuff it just gives more options of things to do when something starts to get boring. Timed content does not.

I’m not saying I’m against limited events. Because I am so not against them. I think they are invaluable to the game. And anyone claiming FOMO is just showing their lack of understanding that sometimes you miss stuff in life. And if they can’t handle that then maybe re-evaluate THEMSELVES … not blame someone else for THEIR inability to handle life.


If they released CM recolors, I’d delete one of every class I have at 70 (if you’d have to run the dungeons with them) that had appearances available, lol.

Since it sounds like you have to make the characters on live servers and it’ll likely count against the 60 cap.


If you raise the trial level to 25 so that the new player can experience a Raid during this event I think that would be great, it would give potential players a more complete idea of the content of the game and there would be a better chance of them paying .

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I might actually play this. What rewards are there besides the phoenix/mount recolors? Are they bringing the legendary questline back? Old Vale of Eternal Blossoms?

Neither. But you can get the appearances of the cloaks still with bronze.

So I still won’t be able to kill Ordos? lol.

edit: I just read that you will be able to.

Why not keep this around?


Continuing the discussion from Pandamonium clarification:


Mists of Pandaria was the first full expansion I played, start to finish. I obtained the legendary cloak, and everything. I even got AOTC back then, with a guild.

I cannot wait to see what kind of changes happen. People are saying it feels like a Season of Discovery for retail, so I hope there are many changes, and it is not a 1:1 replication of MoP. So far, my interest has been peaked.

This solves my biggest complaint about Plunderstorm that, other than the tmogs, there was no tangible benefit. With this, it seems I can go do what I have been wanting and make a new series of Alliance toons.

The same reason normal timewalking isn’t kept around for too long. Market saturation is very much a thing when it comes to doing content (especially again). It will at some point become super dead or under used, and that kind of defeats the purpose of it being a whole event.

Almost without a doubt they will want to redo this event in the future. Which means over time it’ll come back for people to play again and do it with other players. I don’t agree with the cosmetics staying locked away, we should be able to grind for them on retail after the fact and have the items be added to a collection system ala timewarped badges and stuff.


Content-wise, it’s pretty much Chromie Time MoP with raids sprinkled throughout the level curve as well. Gearing up is pretty different, but classes all have the same talents/spellbooks as they do on retail so there aren’t huge gameplay changes really.

I really couldn’t agree more with this post.

It’s why I love it when MMOs do bonus events involving older content. It prevents old content from being ENTIRELY abandoned, and frankly? I kind of like the occasional distraction from my main progression. Emphasis on occasional though; visiting the past is fun, but I’ll pass on living in it.

That said, I’m a big fan of things repeating. Already my old friends have reached out telling me we’re making a raid group to farm EVERYTHING we can.

If they cycle this back in, we’ll do it again with our new friends. And if they cycle it again, we’ll do it with our newer ones, and so on, and so on.

And really, isn’t playing with others what MMOs are all about at their core?