Please please please bring back Legion Artifact appearances for Druids!

The value is subjective. The fact that the value correlates with its scarcity is objective.

Like I’ve said. Multiple times.

Opinion discarded :wastebasket:

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If that value = zero for some people then that value is subjectively worthless.

Oh no! Anyway.

Actually its an issue with something called nuance. Some people value it for scarcity others value the mage tower skins because they look good or offer appearances that generally don’t exist elsewhere such as flails, glaives that are made of fire, shields that are not tiny, thal 'kiels head, the only fomo druid forms in the game, among other things. The value of mage tower items comes from a number of things, and with the mage tower being back at a relevant difficulty it makes no sense to lock them out.

36/36 mage tower btw with 12/12 legion mage tower rewards as well so this isn’t “wanting something I don’t have”.


For those people, yes.

Those aren’t the people asking for them to come back, though.

You keep saying they have no value to you, but that’s obviously a lie because if they didn’t you wouldn’t care if they were available or not. Even if you’re claiming it’s some altruistic desire for other people to have them (though your little “burn it down” comment shows that in actuality you just spitefully want the value ruined for the people who already have them and value their scarcity), you’re still giving them value by having this conversation at all.

All of the things listed are now available from other sources, with the possible exception of flame glaives.


I have the vast majority I want. Maybe the ret one but if I don’t get it I really don’t care. I have all the druid forms and hope they come back for other people, you know because I’m not selfish or think I’m special because I happen to have a digital item/appearance. I do know for a fact I’m not the only one that thinks this way. There are at least 2 others in this very thread.

It’s not spiteful to want more for everyone. If you place some sort of self worth in these pixels then I’m not sure what to say other than maybe get a grip on reality.


Accusing people of assigning self worth to something because they assign value is a fallacy and shows that you never had any intention of approaching this conversation with good faith. You argue for this because you want to ruin things for other people. You’re not kind or altruistic, you’re small and twisted.

Which I knew when we started, but still wasted my time on you, so that’s on me I suppose.


I don’t understand why you guys keep throwing this insult at people that disagree, especially since you keep squawking about how insulting I am. What’s good for the goose and all that I guess.

I don’t have the majority of the removed cosmetics and I still think they shouldn’t return.

So does that mean your brain crashes to the blue screen now that I debunked that drivel?


You can achieve that in Classic Legion, though.

If someone else having access to a digital item somehow “ruins things” for them, that’s honestly pathetic.


Oh your whole basis is “the integrity of Blizzard’s word”. Which is honestly laughable in itself. Slime cat coming back was a good call and I hope it’s setting a precedent of more things to come.


fel runebear looks stupid. it’s cool, but not as cool as the kitties.

Yes, it ruins the point of the reward.

Blizzard said do a thing in this amount of time.
The players said ok we will do this thing in this amount of time.
Blizzard says cool have this reward.

When a limited time reward can be earned at any time it ruins the point of the reward.


Actually it was a good call but not for any of the reasons listed in this thread.

We had a whole conversation about value and none of it sunk in for you.

I’m beginning to think you’re just not capable of processing it.


All the weapons are unique appearances but I’ll just list some of the most unique ones then since that is an easily disprovable stance:

balance druid flame scythe has nothing else like it
feral druid form is not available
Brewmaster artifact weapons were made with special animations so you could carry it over your shoulder legion one was no exception
Holy paladin weapons were unique in that they gave holy paladins 2 handers that included a libram which naturally is different from every other weapon in the game since usually weapons don’t throw things on your belt.
Prot paladin is notable for having a flail which is not a weapon appearance that existed before that and even now there aren’t many. The shield is also big which is rare for shields.
Rogue: for various reasons all three weapons are visually distinct outlaws has an enchant effect, assassin’s has translucent blades and also has that legion weapon effect where it sheathes on the back, and subtlety has blocky chunks of ice which are unique distinct at least.
Demo has thal kiel which is a weird offhand pet with unique appearances for every artifact type.
prot warrior: see prot pally.

Of course this is all a subterfuge since legion weapons are all unique in the sense that you can mog them over weapon types that you normally can’t ie using a staff over mh oh. I think one of the words for this is value and weirdly enough it has nothing to do with scarcity.

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A reward is cool because of the reward itself. Would you think a limited time FOMO dung helm has value just because it’s listed as “limited time”?


The mage tower was special for the mage tower not the time frame. The weapons were a great carrot and the mage tower was enough of a challenge that it was prestigious or something. It is ridiculous to bring back the stick but not the carrot.


Where I told you the value is zero for some people.

Just because I don’t agree with your subjective opinion doesn’t mean I’m not capable of processing. I just think you’re wrong.


Not a unique model.

All of the other appearances for that weapon do that and are still available.

But there are some. There are a lot of large shields, many added this expansion.

Again, you are describing aspects of the artifacts that are true for other appearances still available.

And then demonstrated that you’re not one of those people.


You don’t get to tell me what I do and do not value.