Please play your mages guys

Please, I havent seen a mage in lfg for weeks. I need my intellect buff.


Talk to Blizzard about removing Rune of Power.


Mage? What’s that?


But they’re not fun to play right now. Give me a pet for world content to hold agro for every spec and I’ll play it. Until then I’m having a blast with my Hunter, Shaman, Priest, Warlock, Warrior, and Druid. Where I don’t have to kite things around to stay alive just to pick some flowers or gather piles/packs/chests.

I feel sorry for the Mages that suffer because of RoP though. I don’t ever do content above LFD heroics and LFR so taking IF isn’t a big issue. I can never line up RoP effectively so I just take IF because of its lack of maintenance.


:smiley: I love my mage. There are always a ton in world boss groups and out questing, I guess I need to hop into the raids?

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You chose the exactly same classes number and type as I do to play, brother. :handshake:

I need a decent fricking shield that does not burn away like tissue paper, decent mechanics that don’t make me hop around like a demented jackrabbit, and a decent buff to Incanter’s Flow so I can stop using Ring Around The Collar ever again, but I never seem to get them. Sort of like this stupid Evoker I have to post on because the forum’s mechanics are weird.


I was a mage Main and was going to do it in Dragonflight too… Now I’m a chicken that can do 20% more dps than mages and heal and tank when needed as well.


I leveled this mage (my main since 2005), but I’m switching to elemental shaman since it feels better to play.


This is honestly a L2P issue tho

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This is legit the only reason I’m not playing my mage. RoP is such a stupid spell. You can’t have the cooldown that you’re balancing the class around be impossible to use effectively b/c you design everything with heavy movement. I really want to play a fire mage, but there’s no reason to. It seems so bad I would feel like I’m literally trolling people if I played it.


Eye roll bruh. Eye roll.

I’ll get any one of my characters and I’ll race you. The first one to kill 100 mobs that have over 500k health first wins! And nothing that can be rooted or snared!

Aaaaand go!

Resubbed after a few years away, then hurt my back so can’t even play. Buuut, Blizz still doesn’t listen to players and still doesn’t actually play their own game. As long as ROP is required, my mage stays retired (even once I can actually play again).


Metric tons of feedback ignored. No thank you.


That’s rough. Rotated my bottom two vertebra my senior year in high school. I wish you a speedy recovery.

To be honest most feedback is terrible and should be ignored

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What feedback did you feel was valid then, pray tell?


Anything from someone that has credibility to the point they parse purple and up.

Most of the feedback atleast here is by players that aren’t good enough to give credible feedback.

That doesn’t answer my question. Which suggestions did you think were good? I want to hear which ideas you liked specifically, not how you judged them.

Though based on your response it sounds like this class should only ever be played by elitist snotholes, otherwise your opinion is invalid. So @op you now know why no one wants to play the class.


Once they remove ROP and actually make more then 1 spec viable i might play mage again.

I play a dps class because then i can choose between 3 dps specs, unlike other classes having 1 dps spec…

Well Blizzard you fail monkeys… you might aswell give mages and a tank and heal spec as the other 2 dps specs are as USELESS as your mage class designer.


I literally get auto invited when I queue for the raid now and the raid leads thank me for playing my mage. No one even cares the DPS isn’t there as long as I give them the int buff. It’s a really sad state of affairs.