Please open a separate / new balanced PVP server

What a ridiculous notion. Do you realize that the server woukd inevitably have imbalance, causing both sides to have queues at times for players? This is complete nonsense. An MMO game that’s based on factions will have imbalance, there’s no changing this.

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LOL at all these ally players posting on their low lvl horde alts to try to troll. Seriously post on your mains cowards.

Make the servers 5k players max.

Open up more severs.

Offer server transfers to only the dominant factions in each server.

That’s just my take.

Good to know. Just like Farstrider back in the day then (where I played this guy). If a transfer opens or I get an itch, I’ll give Grob a go.

If a server opened with those rules then it wouldn’t be an issue as it doesn’t harm any of the players on the servers they are now. Based on the fairly constant threads appearing asking for this specific server type, there’s a clear demand for it.

I mean, I think the idea of opening up new servers to test out particular ideas is pretty interesting. I think if they opened one up with an idea for keeping a particular faction balance or max population levels, it may have some popularity, if only for being a new server.

I do not particularly think that transfers are a good way to resolve faction balance issues, if faction imbalance is indeed an issue that Blizzard deems as something that requires being addressed.

I got past ZF before phase 2, sadly. I hear it’s bad, but probably only takes 10~15 mins to get to the zone line from Gadget.

On Skeram, about 80% of flight points are outright camped across the server. And at least for people like me who are in the +honor range of 60’s, it’s not too uncommon that if a priest is around they will MC me back towards where I came from so they can get me on another rez cycle or two.

I’m not ‘complaining’ for anyone who takes what I’m saying as that btw. PVP server. Them’s the breaks. Just painting the picture for how it is.

I do like the idea of a fresh server rid of any of those layering exploitation drones, it would be nice.

But in some cases i think it’s necessary for hand out transfers.

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It could well be, and we have every reason to believe that they will be coming eventually. I just feel that we saw some pretty big disruption to servers where they offered free transfers, which I believe was to reduce population, not really to balance factions. However, the results created what we see on Heartseeker, Stalagg, Skerum, Fairbanks, and that gives rise to some (potentially legitimate) complaints (and unfortunately, a lot of seemingly non legitimate complaints).

Server transfers seem to offer a way to disrupt server populations that may be otherwise in for longer term population stability.

Something that I have noticed since rerolling is that no guild seem particularly interested in helping to recruit rerolls to their server. There do not seem to be many (if any at all) people who are interested in making any attempts whatsoever to contribute to resolving these issues from a player-driven/community-driven standpoint.

If the issues were anywhere near as severe as some of these loudest voices would have you believe, I suspect there would be some willingness to do something.

do you remember the alliance battle cry “have mercy!” thing? lol

Go back to retail

WTF is up with all the trolls in this thread? your idea is great, don’t let these sycophants tell you otherwise, a lot of them are the same pathetic person on different toons. A fresh server where balance is kept would be a dream, I would definitely re-roll there. No transfers allowed though so everyone can be on the same page.


I think a lot of people would reroll just for the fresh experience. It would definitely be an interesting way to experiment with new features that may lead to better faction balance or population sizes.

Pretty much.

There’s a block of people that such a server would serve. It wouldn’t be for everyone, which is why I’m not suggesting all servers undergo this treatment. Hell, I’d still be in the mood for an imbalanced server sometimes.

Oh yeah. Random player asks people to do something they obviously don’t want to do.

You’re a genius.

I don’t see what’s wrong with the concept of balanced factions. And by that I mean, maybe 60-40 max. Look at the server stats,

overall 50/50 but there’s about half of the servers that are out of that balance. Blizzard should have concerned itself with player balance when the servers opened, particularly given the limited nature of this offering. There’s clearly more positive reasons to strive for a reasonable amount of balance than to go with free for all. All was and still is well within Blizzards power to control.

I’m on one of the unbalanced PvP servers (2 to 1 and I’m the 1), and I haven’t hit 60 yet. I can tell you from experience it sucks (maybe won’t be as bad when (if) I ever hit 60, but right now, it’s miserable. Classic Azeroth isn’t big enough for maxed out servers. The other faction patrols. Think about that, they patrol. Not quests, not raids, not helps other guildies level, etc. etc. , they patrol. They are paying Blizzard to patrol a zone for lop sided PvP, and generally honorless PvP in my case. And at the same time, Blizzard is banning people for exploiting raid resets. What else are players to do (besides cheat) when there’s not enough content for them? …patrol I guess.

Depending on how much of an effect BGs have, it will likely be much worse once you hit level 48+. The questing areas will likely have more Horde, and you’ll give honor to level 60s.

There are lower population realms though, and to be fair, of all servers Herod was heavily warned about having immensely high populations.

It certainly appears that the vast majority of players would prefer to play on the most heavily populated realms, as that’s where the vast majority has chosen to be.

Wpvp isn’t supposed to be fair. That’s the beauty of it. Even if servers were 50/50 the amount of pvpers on each faction would still differ.

-Undead Rogue.

I actually just hit 48 this weekend (guess my avatar hasn’t updated) and it is worse. No more drive bys, everyone stops to kill ole Skeezey. And that’s fine, but there’s so much wrong with what’s going on, on Herod. Alliance players farm rep inside IF rather than go out into the contested zones (for example). If Herod wasn’t full, let’s say, or any other server, what would motivate someone to join on the side that is less represented? I think ultimately, Herod is the fate of every server if Blizzard doesn’t address it.

Yes, and this is what would keep the game fresh. You log in not knowing whether you have the advantage or not. On Herod, you long into Alliance knowing (as a 60) there are so many crappy Horde players to kill, I’m gonna get tons of honor (as under 60) I’m gonna get rear handed to me all day for 2 bars of xp. You log on as Horde (as a 60) guess I’ll go to work now, patrol my zone for a few HKs (as under 60) la did da, life is swell when youre a hordes la di di da di da. Anyway, imbalance is bad for both sides. Bored players leave games.

There are various reasons why someone might. One may be that if they are rerolling from Horde on a Horde-dominant faction, they are bored with trying to compete with others for that rarely found honorable kill.

Although some will argue that anyone who enjoys PVP would have rolled Horde due to UD and Orc racials, there are also players who rolled Alliance due to a suspected faction imbalance, and wanting to be able to farm more HKs.

Also, some people (such as myself) initially rolled Horde, suspecting that without Blood Elves, Horde would by far be the underdog faction. I gather, based on some forum comments, that private server experience would have shown otherwise.

A lot of people prefer being the underdog, and even the underdog on heavily populated servers. There’s a strong sense of pride in standing against seemingly insurmountable odds, and walking away the victor.

I rerolled, and I’ve met at least a handful of others along my leveling journey who also have.


I don’t think this blanket statement holds as much truth as those who tend to use it appear to assume.