Please never do Early Access again

Yep, couldn’t agree more that THIS is what early access does.

This is Blizzard trying to mix it up… yet again

Why can’t they simply stay with tried and true?

2 years for an expansion, 2 major content patches followed by a ‘closing season’, prepatch month then release the next expansion in a M A S S I V E experience at the same time every second year…

There are far more things in the world that “poor people” can’t afford aside from a video game. Are we all supposed to feel bad because of it?

Epic is $90. Are you saying you couldn’t come up with $90 since TWW was announced? Maybe that is why some are poor, because they don’t know how to plan ahead with their money and just go with the moment. I’m in no way “rich”, but I do work and instead of blowing money on other things, I saved a little over the last several months to afford Epic.

Because you either adapt or you get left behind. WoW at it’s release was an industry changer. Now, I’m not saying Blizzard has kept that pace, but they are at least trying to adjust to the majority of their consumers. Early access is available in many games these days and it would be foolish not to include it.

A quicker release schedule makes more sense now because games are being developed quicker than “back in the day” and to keep up with competition at all, you have to keep new product in front of your consumers.

Things change. Change with them or sit in your rocking chair on the porch and watch the world quickly run past you.

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exactly how?

dragonflight’s prices were:
base - 49.99
heroic - 69.99
epic - 89.99

and TWW prices are:
base - 49.99
heroic - 69.99
epic - 89.99

all players have a choice of three options. nothing special about epic’s costs this expansion versus DF’s.

if any player purchased the epic for DF most likely they purchased the epic version for TWW.

for players complaining of the high costs, it is what it is. nothing has changed in costs from DF to TWW.

maybe you know or do not know, but saving your gold earned throughout the years, buying tokens, converting tokens to bnet balances will help you buy the next expansion(s).

as many have stated, gold is easy to acquire, practically rains gold. you can save it or splurge it. up to you. I myself save it to get next expansion.


Nah, they get too much money from it . They will do it again

What’s tried and true about an expansion launch? DCs? Lag? An unplayable game? Nah, I think they got it right with this one.

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Percentage infinity, this sucks.

Me too. I hope they continue doing it.

“I got mine, all y’all can kick rocks”

Great community feel.

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It’s wild that…

“Prepurchase and support us to play early” is now.

“Pay double and we’ll allow you play on the weekend when you’re off of work”

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the game is simply not worth $90

I think it’s just sleazy. Like charging a monthly fee to use heated seats in a new vehicle.


No no, I’m on your side…I don’t think my comment went to the right thread.

Yep. There has been more expensive editions of WOW expansions since The Burning Crusade almost twenty years ago. This isn’t anything new.

You do not have to really earn or save gold to buy tokens to put money too a bnet balance you can apply your real dollars using either CC or Debit card …like maybe apply $20 bucks each month few months out would build up your bnet balance to buy the next expansion.

Dude, I have plenty of money.

But this is gross and disrespectful. Not for the guys that aren’t playing tonight, but for those who are.

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First off I am not a dude I am a dudette…as for the EA …many of us didn’t even know about it when we first brought TWW …I didn’t know till weeks later about the EA…

Cool dudette, but it is a gross practice.

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There’s also the problem of working adults that can only play on weekends getting screwed and forced to wait not just 3-4 days, but closer to 10 days because they deliberately timed the “early access” period for a weekend.

And can we at least acknowledge that this is not a premium benefit? They took this from us after it being standard for 20 years. For 20 years it was standard that everyone starts these new adventures together but this time they decided to take it away and ransom it back to players for $40.

And can we talk about how you can’t be in discords with people that caved and paid for it because you can’t play with them and they may be dropping spoilers constantly? Or how about how social media is unusable because of the rampant spoilers?

The only way Blizzard could have made this “early access” scheme more toxic and more anti-consumer is if they locked everyone that didn’t pay for it out of their accounts until Monday. But even that’s barely worse than what we got because as other people have mentioned, they broke raids and pvp, and people are posting spoilers in trade chat and guild chats, so all there is to do is log off and wait until Monday or close your chat and grind alts on Radiant Echos while watching TV or a movie.

It’s absurd how hostile this decision was. It doesn’t help anyone. It doesn’t benefit any player. It’s not adding anything to the game. It’s not making anyone’s experience more positive. It has a 100% negative impact on the playerbase. It does not add one single positive thing to the game.

But a multi-billion dollar corporation saw a chance to extort more money from players by forcing them to choose between handing over $40 vs enduring all of the things I mentioned above, and we all know billion dollar corporations are sociopathic monsters that devour all happiness and contentment in the never-ending search for more money to plunder, so of course it had to happen.

And it’ll keep happening. No game ever backpedals from this. The executives and shareholders see “line go up” and can’t tell the difference between whales throwing money at them vs a healthy, thriving player base, so they keep pushing toxic monetization strategies until the community is a shell of its former self and the game can’t bring in new players because its reputation is shattered.


Half of my guild is 80 already
Half is waiting for days still to start.

That is divided as it gets.

And anyone who’s argument boils down to “Don’t be Poors”… Therapy really helps.