Please nerf Sunwell step-by-step

You could try to git gud.

Yup totally agree.

Raid is easy.
Consume, dont be cheap.
Watch your feet, dont stand in bad things.
Listen to your RL. Keep your comms clear.
Study the raids on youtube. Know what the bosses do.
Understand where you need to be in certain situations.

If you personally arent willing to do these things, maybe you just dont deserve to kill the boss?


Well, I’ll agree with that. It’s a step up in difficulty but overall not very hard. BT saw a bit of that but SWP is overall much more of it.

Sunwells getting nerfed whether you like it or not. :woman_shrugging:

And every time someone passes off an insult on the forums over the difficulty, I personally hope the nerf comes one day sooner. :slight_smile:

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We all have our vices.

Your guild hasnt even attempted SWP yet? Lol wut

Oh nvrm, you guys are still progging illidan… all g

Was confused at first because I’ve never stated where my guild was currently at progression wise, then I realized you’re just trying to be insulting.

Not really, its fine you guys are still working on older content, nothing wrong with that.

Its a marathon not a sprint.

The only painful thing about Illidan is we’re nearly 20 weeks now without a warglaive. :smiling_face_with_tear:

Def not with kids and a job.

I would stop nerfing the content all together.

Instead I would allow the casual players the option to bring in addition players in a raid group. For example: A 25 person raid would allow up to 30 or 32 players, a 10 person raid would allow up to 13 to 15 players. This would allow the casual community to not only experience the content but get upgrades and experience that allow them to achieve the content in it’s intended form of 25 and 10 player modes.

Loot drops would be slightly modified down grades of the original loot and perhaps their appearance slightly modified. Example the Warglaive may have it’s stats reduced by 5 to 10 % and it’s color change to red or blue. Those players with the original Warglaive would still be able to show off their accomplishment, but we would still allow the casual player the experience of the game and the ability to get upgrades without buying gold and getting carried through a GDKP run and of course not having to nerf the content for the players that want to work towards that achievement.

Also something to remember, the amount of items that drop would not change. The larger groups of casuals would be sharing the same amount of drops and gold but between more players. Perhaps even a 25% reduction to trash drops/mines as well.

The idea is not to punish those that are “hard core” by nerfing the content nor prevent the “casual player” from being able to experience all the content and grow their characters. This seems like a suitable compromise that would allow everyone to enjoy the game.

blah blah you’re bad and want everything easy blah blah. You do realize the only bosses that were actually nerfed pre 3.0.2 was muru and KJ right? it wasn’t until Wrath pre-patch blanket 30% health and damage nerf that applied to every single TBC raid mob and world boss

everyone needs to be a winner. Even the parents.

don’t get it, but we’re having a lot more issues with muru than we are pre-nerf KT and Vashj.

Blizz already said they will be doing a post-nerf Sunwell. We just don’t know what that entails. I imagine it is the 3.0.2 nerfs, but we have no timetable on when.

What are the expected nerfs for Mu’ru and Kil’jaden? They feel fine to me. Really fun fights. Especially Kil’jaden.

Are they just going to nerf their hp or something?

Prolly boss HP.

Boss damage.

Add health.

Dunno, I enjoyed the last tier. Clearing this on alts in gdkps now. The content is not that difficult.

Sure. Nerf parts of Sunwell, but give us a warning that’s more than a week’s notice for the guilds who are pushing to kill a prenerf boss or clear.

Im just not bothering with Sunwell not due to the difficulty, but that its boring and the gear for my main doesnt carry as a hard into WOTLK as Naxx gear did into TBC. It gets replaced real quick with WOTLK questing greens and blues.

Dont nerf it. If you cant beat it dont do it lol.

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