2025 and horde still saying the “cleanse” the shock argument when a shaman spread the stupid shock to 4 or 5 targets can’t remember exactly.
flame shock initial damage should be removed in pvp if you shoose to spread that crap to multiple targets, and do not let to stack the debuff while multiple shamans chain shock.
while i will say that burn spread should go to 3 targets down from 5 (with no boost in the power surge proc rate) but that is it.
ele would suffer a bit from that change but would survive.
also tank specs need nerfs without gimping them in pve and without gimping the other specs as well.
but i wont agree to much else as ele isnt as busted as people are saying and are only looping it in with tank shaman cause people couldnt tell their rear end from a spec of shaman.
I mean there is silence, there are melle interupts, stuns, if your complaining about 1v1 then thats a skill issue, if its group pvp and you dont have coms then thats again on you,
I have seen more videos of paladins 1v3 to 4 then shamans 1vs3 and the paladin just destroying people.
I was just giving examples of how to deal with the shaman, if you guys are letting them shock plus LB plus chain lightning idk what else to say lol.
YOU STILL COMPLAINING ABOUT SHAMENS??? You are the problem, they nerfed shamens so much that they sneak nerfed us to hell. You got all these over powered full healing bubble pallies walking around and your still complaining about shamens. Do me a favor, roll a shamen for yourself first before you get on here and complain. You complaning about grounding totem. Thats for 1 spell we have very little defense. Everyone can kill shamens easy now but you.