Please nerf shamans

theres no reason they should have stuff like grounding totem, defensives and be unkillable while doing exponentially more damage than hunters or boomkins

it’s incredibly disappointing how incompetent the devs are with this game when it could be so much better


Exponentially more damage.

Super, duper more damage.

Always the grey parsers commenting first


Well he’s right, Shaman is a god class in PVP. And everybody knows that. When you’re in AB and you have 7 shamans to face, you quickly understand why.

Being hit at 2k 3 times in 2 seconds is a big joke.

But well, it’s a discovery so, that’s fine.


Shamans are not doing more damage than hunters or boomies. Come on man.


Shamans have been very undertuned. A lot of Horde alts are Shamans, and Ally still win pvp. The real stacking is of the druids, hunters, and pallies.

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What? Majority of horde teams have 5+ shamans. Not druids or hunters

Majority of wins is horde, so your argument of pally stacking just proves how under tuned they are compared to shamans.

Ur right… its a big joke that they dont hit for that much anymore. lol

Is noone cleansing the flame shock, paladin priest and warlock can cleanse the flame shock, hunter can out range the lava burst, druid can stun, feral may struggle.

Warrior is probably the only one who has a right to complain about facing shaman tho they can pummel intercept and charge

Copped 6k in 1 hit. 3k LB + 1.5 overload and a 1.5k CL.

I know you grey parse and may not understand the class, but they are definitely hitting hard.

Post a screenshot.


Can confirm that shamans are busted. Got killed in about 3 seconds flat. 2k flame shock crit → 366 flame shock tick → 1k chain lightning → 3.4k lava burst crit.

The only spell in that burst that was hard casted was chain lightning and it did the least amount of damage. Then again it was also the only thing that didn’t crit.

nerf arms warriors

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Well… obviously you are going to get hit that hard as a lv23.

Yeah my lvl 23 war has 6k+ health

Good for you.

dont think ive seen something that high in pvp but i guess its possible.

do we nerf for possibility or what avg people can do with the class?

like ya , sometimes with an rng proc you can “machine gun” out procs like mad as fast as you can press the button but it doesnt happen very often for the majority of people.

alot of people are just hard casting a big part of their damage and that can be countered quite easily by anyone with an interrupt or even curse of tongues.

but i will say with rng you can be either super op or very lackluster.

i dont know if there is a solution for it without gutting the class or fully redesigning the class from the ground up and i dont think thats in the cards this late into the game.

I doubled checked my combat log, it was 2683 damage and 651 overkill, so 3,334, damage, I guess just under the 3.4 that I claimed.

I feel like it’s fine that they do a lot of damage, but just like the devs did to balance druids in p1, just move the damage elsewhere. P1 starsurge was broken so they nerfed it and made it instead increase the damage to Starfire and that felt a lot better balanced. Couldn’t they balance the damage from instant casts to do less but increase the damage of hard casted things? Sure a shaman could NS big damage sometimes. And I understand that insta lava burst comes from a proc, but something should be able to be done.

Tbh my issue with shamans isn’t really lava burst, but the insane damage that flame shock does with both the initial damage and the dot and the aoe on it.

Single target not really. But in a team fight spamming flame shock at 5 people every 5 seconds… Yeah that is way more damage than a hunter can do. A boomkin can probably keep up if starfall is up but they are also probably dead.

zerking + 4 set/trinkets should do it. I have been hit by 3k before and I know the sham had AQ tier. Prolly had zerking as well.

Only thing damage wise that needs to be nerfed is the spread range for flame shock. It makes no sense how I’m getting flame shock when I’m 15 yards away from my team mate. Other than that the damage is fine. They just need to nerf way of the boar and boar mastery. They also need to nerf DEF in pvp as a whole. This crit/hit reduction nonsense needs to go. 9% hit in PvP and I just “Miss” wtf ever.