I’m recently back from a long break, and I joined a guild filled with a lot of other people who are in the same boat. The main guild members had Heroic on farm, and they stayed around long enough to run us through our first normal clear of Nya’lotha. After that, they lost interest.
That left the returning members without any more free carries (which all of us agree is good). We have been slowly progressing through the content in hopes of getting AOTC in a week or two (10/12H now). I’ve been running my Hunter on the main raids, but I’ve been running a Warrior tank during our weekly alt run.
I haven’t really tanked since Wrath, so I decided to start tanking on our alt runs. To practice, I went into LFR with a far more experienced tank than me. They were are Carapace with 4 stacks when we got there. Carapace is a very simple fight once people learn to not stand under tentacles, so we made short work of that.
Then off to N’Zoth we went. One of the few times I didn’t mind wiping because it gave me more practice for Normal N’zoth that night. All in all, with a LOT of instruction to the raid group, we finally killed N’Zoth with 7 stacks of Determination. Easily the quickest I’ve ever seen him go down in LFR. My Heroic-geared DH tank was ranked #1 DPS by a wide margin. I was around 7 on my 450 Warrior tank.
By far the biggest issue we had, other than the 20-25k average DPS, was getting people to target synapses. We could mark the synapse, move Psychus to a synapse, and /rw repeatedly, but they would target AND KILL everything except the correct synapse. Combine that with the low DPS, and we ended up wiping 7 times.
I think this is likely one of the biggest problems with the fight in LFR. If the Synaptic Shock debuff time was increased (or the range was increased to a quadrant), and the groups were automatically selected and teleported into the mindgate (somebody else suggested this earlier), it would significantly improve the LFR experience without any other nerfs. Low DPS would still cause some wipes until determination built up a little. However, it would require a lot less coordination, and coordination is the Achilles heel of LFR and one of the primary reasons it almost always takes 10-20 times to kill LFR N’zoth.
LFR should be easier the Normal. After we downed LFR, we went into Normal and one-shot Carapace and N’zoth with our alt group. It was the first time most of us had killed N’zoth on our alts, and most of us only had 1 kill on our mains (via carry) before we moved to Heroic. I say that to illustrate the fact that Carapace and N’zoth were not on farm, even though it felt like they were this weekend.
People keep saying it’s easier than normal, but I suspect if you look at wipes/attempts on LFR, and you judged the difficulty based on that ratio, you would find that LFR is much harder to complete than Normal for most groups. It doesn’t need a full-scale nerf, but there are a couple things Blizzard could do to make it more friendly to the less coordinated groups you find in LFR.