I do, however, see a problem with expecting them to spend more time and more wipes in LFR than a normal group would rationally expect to see on a Normal boss.
Again, the need to coordinate needs to be nerfed because LFR is going to be more difficult to coordinate than a Normal raid. Increasing the synapse debuff range and auto-selecting groups that go down or stay up would help quite a bit. There would still be plenty of wipes in LFR - don’t worry. You will still wipe more times on LFR than normal. Plus you get the added benefit of not having groups learn to farm it. You basically get to do the same progression on the same boss every week.
How would you respond to the call to make Normal and Heroic difficult enough that you wipe as often there as groups wipe in LFR, even if you cleared the content the week before? If it took you 10+ times every week to kill the same boss you killed the week before, you might not be very happy about it either. Maybe Normal and Heroic are just too easy and they need to be buffed so that you earn your gear.
To reiterate this: The last time I went in there as a DPS, I spent almost 3 hours in queue and another 3 hours in raid before I was done. How often have you had to do that on a Normal boss?
Yes. It is. However, I went in there as a tank to practice this weekend. When killing Synapses, the DPS kept killing the wrong one even though the downstairs Tank (a friend of mine) was marking them. It didn’t seem to matter how often we told them to attack the marked Synapse. It wasn’t sinking in for some reason. I was thinking it would help to make the synapse debuff even wider than it is now so that killing any tentacle near Psychus would help debuff him. It was just a thought. It’s stupid that people can’t figure this out, but it sucks to be grouped with those people.
At the time I was working on an alt that wasn’t raiding. I wanted to finish the quest-line. Ironically enough, he is now the Normal tank for our alt group so it wasn’t really necessary.
I have a few other 120 toons though. DH, Monk, Paladin. I don’t really have the time to do a Normal run for each of them (or the desire to raid with them regularly), but I would like to complete the quest-line.
By the way. One thought I had was that they could make the requirements more stringent. Even if they forced people to have a Rank 3, 4 or 5 cloak, that would help alleviate a lot of the problems.
Most people would have spent more than 3 hours on normal n’zoth. I would have had more wipes on normal than on heroic (anywhere from 30-50). I was also 6-8/12H before I killed normal n’zoth. The point is people spend that time at the start of the tier in normal raids. If you were as bad as ppl were in week 1, in week 3, you would get kicked. These LFR ppl quit after 10 mins of trying, then try again next week, so they still haven’t got their 3 hours up yet and still dont know the fight months into the tier.
And people with bad internet and potato computers. That said, don’t reply to that rogue - she specifically came in here to troll, which is why she is posting on that Garbo-Toon instead of her main. She hasn’t said anything in like 200 posts.
Does being elderly/disabled remove the ability to read? Just wondering since that comment had nothing even remotely close to saying that.
Also, it’s pretty insulting to the elderly/disabled to assume that they can only do the most simplistic content imaginable when I know for a fact there are elderly and disabled individuals raiding Mythic and running upper Mythic+ keys.
In fact, /reported for insulting the elderly and disabled.
I was the first comment in the thread so hardly trolling, and as you say, I haven’t really replied to anyone so again, hardly trolling. Also, this is my main lol.
They either need to nerf it or increase the requirements. Even if they required a rank 5 cloak, that would help a lot. Right now, you can easily be 410 by the time you get your cloak just by doing a few world quests and completing the cloak quest-line. Then auto-transport people. That’s all it would take to improve the LFR experience substantially, and it’s not even much of a nerf.
I don’t think asking for a Rank 5 (or even a 2) cloak is too much to ask. It’s less work to require somebody to complete solo content they need to complete anyways than it is to force 24 people (half with a clue) to endure a dozen wipes.
I support Blizzard stepping in and making this fight be what LFR has been accepted to be, tourist mode. Mechanics do not belong in LFR. Before anyone even says it should not drop loot I challenge you to rethink that. World quests give higher ilvl loot than LFR. What in the world is easier than spending 7-10 min flying around and getting an emissary reward? Nothing that is what. Just make the fight not do any mechanics or just let determination stack infinitely so if they wipe enough they can one hit KO him.
I don’t think the cloak actually affects the rate you lose sanity on Cara/N’zoth, or else the fight would be practically impossible at lower cloak levels. You just need the mandatory rank 1 since it’s used lore-wise.
They even changed the wording on it from reducing all sanity loss to specifically saying “within visions of N’zoth” … i.e. the daily “minor vision” and horrific visions.
So that is why you have a 0% chance of doing it? Alright I think the dev team should nerf it to make it 99% anit-noob, that way you will have a 1% chance of doing it.
LFR is trying to please too many people. I basically stopped doing it and I used to kill 100s of LFR bosses an expansion running all my alts through there.
The gear you get in there now means it should be easy and quick to do - the gear isn’t high enough for anything else.
If they want to make it as hard as it is, it needs to reward the same gear as normal raiding because normal raiding is far easier to do because you most often have people selected for some skills and some experience. In LFR you don’t get to select anything plus you have people constantly new coming into there and needing to learn the fights. Is it just an exercise in frustration right now.
I personally prefer the first option. I want a 15 minute queue and 15 minutes in there like it was the first raid of WoD.
Rank 5 is how far you can get with all the free coals right(from getting the cloak and unlocking visions)? If it would make any difference then I completely agree with you.