Yep… And?
I pulled it like 4 times while my mates ate and left when they came back.
It’s enough to see what people fail on.
Push the button with the 60 second cool down every 61 seconds and you win.
Yep… And?
I pulled it like 4 times while my mates ate and left when they came back.
It’s enough to see what people fail on.
Push the button with the 60 second cool down every 61 seconds and you win.
You are 0/12 LFR. You’re just a troll who was carried through Heroic and Mythic without even completing Normal.
Hmm because it would make sense to take my mythic geared character to see what lfr is like. /S
Why would I bother doing normal? What a waste of time. Heroic isn’t hard week 1 why bother with normal?
I finally got it done yesterday, took around 2 hours, and I had tried several times. Most of the problem is just no one knows the fight, and people don’t like to ask questions it seems. At least 1-3 people leave after every wipe so you get stuck in this cycle of no one knowing how to do it.
Having a good leader and knowledgeable tanks are key, but people just need to use the Neck and know what makes your insanity go down - Paranoia, the nasty purple junk in the psychus part, etc. Some people get confused by the neck icon disappearing during psychus etc. And sometimes you just have to eliminate the trolls who go insane or die during the first phase. I think it’s mostly just a symptom of few reasons to do LFR in the first place this expansion, let alone repeat players doing it multiple times and knowing the fight. In Legion there were a lot more people re-running LFR multiple times for legendaries, tier mogs, etc
Well that’s strange. I see a ton of epic parses on Mythic in WarcraftLogs for Aveldruid. Some research would do you wonders before making claims that someone was carried.
But yet, you will sit here and tell everybody how easy it is to complete LFR N’zoth. You’re so sure of yourself that you can undeniably tell everybody they’re wrong without having any experience.
By all means, grab an alt and queue for LFR N’zoth - or take your main. Otherwise you’re just an “I’m better than you” troll.
I just got back to the game and found a decent guild a few weeks ago so I’m just now starting to work on Heroic with a bunch of other new guild members. I am pretty clear that Normal N’zoth is MUCH EASIER than LFR N’zoth. Given that, it’s hard to believe you have any idea how to judge LFR.
I know this. That’s just me trolling back. Some research would do wonders before making any claims though.
I mean technically he is probably correct . I don’t remember who I did the lfr that I have done on. I would like to think I know the encounter fairly well though since I have killed it in heroic countless times and am over 60 pulls into it on mythic though. Then having seen a handful on lfr I can pretty easily identify the problems.
Trolling doesn’t work when your claim can easily be proven wrong. Being wrong and then going “HAHA. I was trolling!” just makes you look pretty dumb.
I’m over a hundred pulls on LFR.
Edit: Because I’m stupid and keep queuing for it.
Good. Endgame bosses should have mechanics that players have to actually halfway try to do.
But not in LFR where few people will ever stay past 5 wipes.
I did it on heroic on my monk which is my 3rd character in last seasons gear not so long ago.
Like I said I can’t remember who I was on when I went into lfr (paladin maybe) but people were getting mind controlled all over the place and it blew my mind that they couldn’t push the big button despite being told in raid warning by the leader multiple times. He made a macro and spammed it.
The same rogue literally never pushed it and people wouldn’t kick them for some reason Idk.
Then perhaps endgame content and bosses are not for them. LFR should be even harder than what it is imo.
And we finally agree on something. There are a lot of mechanics and if you can’t get them to press a button, how can you possible expect them to do the other mechanics?
If they can push a button them half the mechanics don’t matter. Just refill your sanity before and after every event in the fight and who cares.
If they can push a button how did they sign up for lfr?
Ha. You know how many times I’ve had to chase people down with Paranoia. Or how many times, I’ve seen people go the wrong way (or not move) for mind grasp? Or how many times I’ve seen both tanks go into the portal? Or the number of people who can’t find their body? Or the number of people who stand in bad and wonder why their big red button is still on cooldown? Or the number of times I’ve seen the tanks move Psycus before the tenacle is killed? Or the number of times I see people tunnel N’zoth when he’s got his 99% shield? Or the number of times that the portal group fails to kill Psycus because they couldn’t figure out which group they were in? Or the number of times I’ve seen all the healers, or no healers got into the portal? Or the number of times I’ve seen tanks tank Psycus miles from any tentacle? It’s endless, it’s painful, and it only takes a handful of people to turn the fight into a wipe.
The problem with LFR is that you have to deal with a bunch of people who do these things, then leave, only to be replaced by more people who do the same thing. This is not the case in Normal, Heroic, or Mythic.
These are the same people who log in as tanks on Carapace and repeatedly stand underneath the tentacle (likely the most obvious mechanic in any instance in any game). I watched one tank do it THREE TIMES DURING THE SAME FIGHT. Not kidding. After the third time, we ran out of battle rezzes and wiped.
I know there are a lot of people who think LFR should be gone, or it should be harder. A lot of other people use it as a way to see content that is unavailable to them otherwise, and I’m glad it’s in the game. Even the gear is sub-par when compared to what people get with a few quick low level mythics, so I don’t get the hostility.
Log into LFR N’Zoth and do it. That’s all I ask. If it’s an easy fight, you should be in and out in 20 minutes. You probably spend more time organizing your bags each week. If you’re lucky, you will queue into an N’zoth fight that’s already at 10 stacks of determination. I always end up in a fresh group for some reason - probably because Blizzard hates me. In any case, it’s only fair to get into a fresh group. I don’t think I’ve grouped with anybody as stupid as me, and who was willing stay from Carapace to N’zoth’s death.
But seriously. Try it for yourself. I dare you.
I don’t know how many %*#+ing times I have to say it - it is NOT a matter of sanity and pushing the button - the issue is…
Seriously - if we had aggregate logs from EVERY LFR N’Zoth fight it would show that raids make it to THAT point and then wipe. If you can get past that point the rest of the fight is a joke, especially at 10 stacks.
No, it isn’t. I don’t care if you’ve killed N’Zoth on mythic. You are arrogant and clueless. You haven’t killed him on LFR. You admitted to going in and rage quitting.
Just remove the insanity mechanic from LFR and problem solved.
Anyone that doesn’t do LFR really shouldn’t care about that change and anyone that only does LFR isn’t hardcore enough to care how easy it is. they just want to see the story unfold