It took me 2 days to do it on my alt, idk how many tries but it was a lot
I’ve seen N’zoth killed on 10 man, 30 man, and everything in between, it’s not that HC N’zoth is overtuned everywhere but 2/2/6, it’s that undertuned on 2/2/6. You can kill it just fine on Heroic with just about any comp size, and honestly between corruptions and essences N’zoth is a much easier time than Heroic Azshara or even Heroic Jaina.
And how is this different from any other raid? Every other flex raid has different optimal group sizes, Uldir and Antorus were both easier the more players you had, and BfD was super smooth with a 20 man comp. Besides that, flex balance isn’t the issue. If they suddenly took out flex raiding, people would just gravitate towards optimal class stacking comps instead. This isn’t a balance issue just because one comp is more optimal than another, the playerbase will always gravitate towards the easiest route to victory.
If your server is dead then just make use of the 100% exp bonus and level to max quickly on a good server.
I’d just spend the money and server transfer if I cared, but I have friends and family who play on my server. And I have very serious time constraints that keep me from “raiding seriously”. That’s the whole reason I made this thread in the first place - I was deeply concerned I was never going to get my N’Zoth kill out of LFR, which is the place where the kill should have been a granted.
Then just form your own pugs for when you can play.
Pretty simple, you claim to be raid leading LFR, just do normal instead
So are you saying grinds are a good or bad thing? You literally contradict yourself in the next sentence so I’m Confused
I joined in a lfr group that was on wipe 6 and got it first try that was nice. But this is definitely the most mechanic heavy lfr thing ever
Blizzard can’t fix people’s ignorance. I seriously think this is designed to weed out players who just want a free-for-all in LFR and ignore mechanics for free loot.
It isn’t until you get a full group of competent players that you manage to finish the dungeon.
I really think that’s it. It isn’t anti-noob, because noobs can learn. It’s anti-troll. Trolls are stacking determination. They don’t want to play. They want to cause chaos.
… What? I’ve done LFR N’Zoth over 10 times successfully now with all roles on multiple different characters. My argument is absolutely valid because I’ve done it more than most. I have also done normal and heroic modes. Normal isn’t easier, it just has a better chance of having people who will do the few mechanics… mostly successfully.
For LFR, you don’t have to play anywhere NEAR perfectly in the portal. If you do play perfectly, you’ll leave at about 75% sanity. If you stand in puddles / fire the whole time, yes… you will run out of sanity.
LFR is not hard… you just have to do 50% of the already vastly nerfed mechanics.
Badges were an EASY way to get gear. And typically dove tailed into other things.
We needed 10 stacks of determination to get everyone doing the bare minimum dps. That’s a major issue.
Like I have said half a dozen times. The amount of dps required to kill nzoth lfr is doable in gear that was available a year ago. He is not over tuned. People should get better if they want to kill an old god.
Was anyone leading the group, or was everyone just yelling at everyone the whole time / complaining about how hard it is? Get someone to do a small amount of leading, organize groups, and explain the basics… that’s all I do and I usually kill it in 4-6 stacks.
Why don’t you go into LFR one time and then tell us how easy it is in LFR. You haven’t set foot in there. Last time I was in there, I was there for FOUR HOURS. Twice, I was THE ONLY PERSON LEFT. Would you wipe on the same boss in a pug for four hours? I have never done this boss without at least a dozen wipes. Would you sit in a pug for a dozen wipes? How would you deal with it if every single pug wiped at least a dozen times on the same boss? How would you feel if you wiped a dozen times every single week on the same boss?
Basically it goes like this in LFR:
You go into N’zoth, explain the fight, wipe once and a quarter of the people leave.
You explain the fight to the new people, wipe once and half the people leave.
You explain the fight to the new people, wipe once and you’re there alone.
You go back to step one until you get a group that has a clue.
You’re right. The fight is not hard, but people in LFR generally don’t have enough time and/or willingness to wipe more than a couple times, and that screws those of us who have a clue, or who are stubborn (stupid) enough to hang around until it’s done.
I told myself I would never do that fight again before last week, but last week I thought, “I will just do Carapace.” The group killed that in four pulls (which isn’t too bad), so I thought maybe they will be capable of killing N’zoth before a couple pulls, and once I started Z’oth, I wasn’t going to give up.
This time I really mean it though. I won’t do it again. Seriously, I’m done. I will just gear my alts in Mythics.
I challenge each and every one of you guys to do LFR Carapace/N’zoth next week. Better yet, do it on a couple of your alts too, then come back and tell us how easy it is.
But you even said the fight is not hard. If people use their necks on cool down and move out of even 50% of avoidable stuff then sanity is no problem at all.
I know the turnover rate is crazy high but what I can’t accept is that people find “press you big button every time you can” hard to do.
I just can’t accept that people are too inept to do that. Trolling sure but not unable. People need to kick people who go insane because they are obviously deliberately trolling and the fight would be easy.
The big red button is not the only mechanic. As a Heroic/Mythic raider, you should know that.
Most LFR fights are predictable, with a few requiring advanced knowledge of an unusual mechanic before an LFR group can clear them. Even without advanced knowledge, they are almost always obvious - especially with DBM. Unfortunately, there are a lot of mechanics in the N’zoth fight, and they are much less forgiving that those in other fights. On top of that, many of the mechanics have rarely been seen by LFR players. Paranoia, the Psychus Strategy, the cloak not working during the Psynus fight, and Mindgrasp are four that come to mind.
Seriously. Go queue right now for LFR. I will wait.
And yet it’s the one that causes the most problems.
If the psychus tank (same guy both times) takes a path that isn’t totally terrible and puts a skull on what he wants people to hit then enough people will hit it for it to die. Then people just need to click on their buddies which people seem to find hard.
The neck is on a 1 min cd. You can use it before and after most events in the fight.
How do you know this? In my experience, it causes the least amount of problems in the fight.
How can you have any opinion if you have never done N’Zoth in LFR? I might as well tell you how easy the mechanics are in Mythic N’zoth. On paper, they are simple.
Seriously, if it’s easy, queue for it one time and then come back and tell me how easy it is.
I have pulled it a few times while waiting for friends who went for dinner etc. It’s an easy fight. People just seem to need arrows pointing to the big button in the middle of their screens. After the first psychus there were always at least 4 people who didn’t click their bodies to come up or were mind controlled shortly after.
If the group would vote kick anyone who does that the boss would be easy since you trim off the leaches.
You are aware that you profile is public, right? I can see the fights you have done. If it’s really as easy as you think it is, queue for it on this toon and prove me wrong.