I havnt killed him on lfr because people seem unable to find the extra action button on their screens but I do know a bit about the fight since I am proging it on mythic atm so keys go through your post.
The ilvl requirement is what? 410 or something? 400? That is season 2 item level where is wasn’t hard or unexpected to be consistently over 30k dps which I have seen most people under I’m lfr. Since then we have had several things to increase dps. Essences, corruption, a bigger neck and Cape. Plus getting gear above that ilvl is trivial with world quests. If the dps can be done with gear from a year ago then no the ilvl is not too low. People are too bad and should try pushing their buttons…
Doing dps while not getting hit by the bad is a staple of the game. As for your big stun it is dispel able on mythic so I doubt it isn’t on lfr. Maybe the players should use their buttons.
Sanity drain is directly correlated to how much poop you stand in plus a tiny bit to everyone anyway.
The dps requirement isn’t hard for the gear level as I outlined above.
My friend killed him a few weeks ago with like 3 dps dead for most of the last phase on mythic. You are pretty unlikely to convince me that lfr is more punishing of mistakes than mythic but you are welcome to try I’m open minded enough to change my mind with evidence.
And finally we are at the actual root of the problem.
So as I said before its not a hard fight. People are just so bad they think it is.
Is a complete lie, since even on mythic you have room for error inside WITHOUT using your neck before entering psychus realm, but like you said (with different words), players just suck.
When I say “unbreakable” I mean, you can’t human racial out it and you can’t use any personal effect to get out of it. I think a paladin could bubble out of it and make themselves immune - but those are just paladins. And the literal worst part of that scenario is if your Psychus tank doesn’t know what he’s doing he won’t understand to give up on tentacles that haven’t died before an Anguish pool drops when people have to stop dpsing the tentacle to avoid the fire. The melee wind up eating it and because it snares you large amounts of damage and sanity drain wind up crushing melee who are often either not paying enough attention or simply don’t see the Anguish pool because of too much ground clutter from Deathwing. Plus people are obsessed with doing this “horseshoe” pattern that people do on normal and above when on LFR it’s actually easier just to go around N’Zoth in a big circle with the raid opposite him that way the ranged never have to worry about trying to get past Anguish.
My favorite part is having to double check with people WHO WON’T SAY ANYTHING who don’t know what group they’re in or how to find out. I can’t even with people anymore.
It’s a tuning issue. They can’t nerf the mechanics anymore than they have already. The only hurdle to that fight is the Deathwing Psychus phase because of the disorients. If the fight were tuned down, Psychus would die sooner and people would spend less time in that phase which would make the threat of death or insanity diminished. The ironic thing is that I realized I was putting in an IDENTICAL amount of effort on every LFR boss to the bosses I was killing on Heroic. That is how toxic LFR is.
Honestly? nerfing psychus isnt a good fix, however nerfing the tentacles hp can work as a huge nerf without destroying the mechanic completely, psychus with 8+ stacks goes poof even with the worst dps you have ever seen.
I know they suck, but LFR isn’t supposed to be tuned in such a way that they can’t do it even with 10 stacks. The point of Determination isn’t just to mitigate inferior gear - it’s supposed to let raids overpower boss mechanics with sheer numbers. Vexiona is routinely still a 4-5 Determination stack fight just to get enough dps to kill adds because you will always have between 5-8 people doing nothing but attacking Vexiona and there’s the requisite 2-3 who will always die to deep breath. I understand people suck in LFR; that’s why when I went in there with my vastly overinflated ilvl, I should be able to carry the difference for 4-5 players. But that N’Zoth fight? You can’t carry that.
I don’t know how to make any sense of what you just said. Your group is identifiable from the raid tab. If you don’t know how to find that, you should uninstall WoW and go play literally any other game. That’s akin to not knowing the “B” key opens your bags. And how is belittling people who are being given instruction and REFUSE to ask for help when they don’t know something “elitist”?
And that’s the problem. Personally glad that N’zoth apparently isn’t a pushover for LFR players. Hopefully it’s a wakeup call and they do more bosses that way.
That’s a good point and probably a likely way to address the issue. The fact the tentacle shock range was changed from 8 yard to 15 yards on LFR really helps mitigate the fact that dps don’t seem to understand the relationship of killing the tentacles to being able to actually kill psychus and just go ham on them. And let me tell you, getting people to burn tentacle instead of just face rolling on Psyhcus with zero stacks is a challenge in and off itself.
Your point is invalid because the players, by definition of the fact they are LFR players, can’t deal with the current system. That’s why Blizz made the nerfs they did in the first place. The final nerf would be to adjust the tuning. But it appears Blizz agrees with you and thinks people shouldn’t be able to complete that quest and see the literal climax of the story unless they can play well and actually get geared enough for the encounter (despite the ostensible point of LFR being an alternate way to get gear… despite it literally being the worst).
Exactly. The only problem with the difficulty of nzoth is that they left the other 11 bosses to be a push over. They should have made them progressively more challenging like they do on other difficulties to prepare people.
what sucks this expansion is that there aren’t as many reasons for good or high ilvl players to do lfr. no tier sets, no legendary drop chance, rewards are worse than emissaries or 8.3 assaults, so it’s just low ilvl alts or first time raid players. queue times are way longer in bfa vs legion. I’ve tried nzoth about 3 or 4 times, gave up after 1-2 hours. I don’t have more time than that to play consecutively on most days.
IDK if they’re all push overs. Il’gynoth is something of a dps check which can often require multiple Determination stacks to be able to kill the bloods and the boss.
And Vexiona is an absolute sh*tshow every time unless you get 3-4 overgeared dps in their for whatever reason who can burn the adds down. I’ve seen that fight get up to as high as 8 Determination stacks with half the raid quitting (including 4 tanks) because people just refuse to focus adds and you get tanks who don’t understand they need to laser the adds AND how to avoid the deep breaths (they don’t move, so the melee don’t move because of tunnel vision).