Then you clearly haven’t tried to do it and have no business even opening your mouth.
Yeah that has nothing to do with what I’ve said.
Wrong. And ignorant. You’ve clearly never done it. The issue is the ilvl to fight N’Zoth is way too low. The Cloak gives people in relatively high level greens the ability to access and then they NEED those 10 stacks of Determination just to do the bare minimum dps. The HARDEST part of that fight is the 2nd Psychus figh - the Madness of Deathwing. You have to be able to dps Psychus not only fast enough to not go insane, but you have to do this while losing dps by avoiding the disorienting fire spam during that phase. If you get hit by one of those - you will get an unbreakable disorient that lasts 6 seconds, which often leads to getting hit with a SECOND disorient and almost certainly will wind up in Anguish resulting in death or insanity. If you lose 1-2 people in LFR in that group, that’s a wipe.
There is NO margin for error on that fight, mechanic heavy or not. People will always be undergeared because the good players can go CHEESE Heroic N’Zoth (Normal too) with a broken 2/2/6 comp that allows you to mitigate his mechanics perfectly. On LFR you’re stuck with 25 people, half of which won’t know or care to know how to do that fight because people are unwilling to get in coms for an explanation OR pay attention to lengthy raid warning explanations. People routinely queue in, start seeing raid warning instructions, and drop out because of that - those are the people who don’t know how to play the game and want a carry. And this is where I agree with the elitists; they have no right to kill N’Zoth, on any difficulty. This game is not hard. There is no excuse to not understand your class/spec. Even if you started playing a month ago, there is icy-veins, method and countless youtube videos explaining everything.
Even with ALL these resources, people go into N’Zoth on LFR and are human potatos. If you don’t have literally every person playing properly and dealing with the RNG clown fiesta of Psychus properly, you will wipe 100% of the time.
It. Is. Not. About. Running. Out. Of. Sanity. Within. That. Minute. Running out of Sanity between Heart CDs is a NORMAL/HEROIC/MYTHIC concern. Your argument is invalid because YOU HAVEN’T DONE THE CONTENT.
The issue is, in the space of 100% to 0% Sanity, in the Psychus realm, EVERYONE MUST PLAY PERFECTLY or you will either have you sanity drained to 0 or you will simply die. The top side part is a joke by contrast.
Hmmmmm. My dude she is 12 of 12 normal and heroic and 11/12 mythic
10 man heroic is, as far as I know, literally the only way people who farm it do it. 2/2/6 modulates N’Zoth’s mechanics and healing/dps requirements to a point where it actually feels undertuned.
Didnt have to read your whole post to spot missinfo, it can be dispelled, just another example that players just suck.
If you have the gear a 2/2/6 Heroic will get you a mount and some pretty decent swag. Mechanically the only difference between Normal and Heroic is the same people can’t fight Psychus twice in a row and if you’re doing Heroic N’Zoth that shouldn’t be a problem for anyone.
Dude go home your drunk
Can I just point out that the Priest replying now is the OP lol.
Blizz says LFR is there to “see the story” yet then demand that those who do not care to do mechanics do them anyway.
Another bunch of lies, theres room for error even on mythic where every neck can be used once and restores only 20 sanity in 5 secs in the form of an aoe around you (while in lower difficulties it tops you LOL), just stop.
And that has zero relevance in LFR - it is a COMPLETELY DIFFERENT ANIMAL. I’ve already outlined what the problem in LFR is. It is OVERTUNED. People need to be able to BURN THROUGH PSYCHUS and get OUT of that phase because if you’re in there for too long it overwhelms people in bad gear with low skill. At 10 stacks those tentacles should be popping and Psychus should be MELTING. I had to get my kill with 10 stacks and a turn over of SIXTY different people before we managed to get a majority of people doing more than 30k dps (with 10 frigging stacks!). If you don’t have the dps it doesn’t matter how hard people play.
The fight is simply overtuned. Psychus needs a nerf so he dies faster so his phases are shorter and give people less opportunity to fail. That is the biggest hurdle.
You can’t make people have decursive my dude.
Oh hey check it out! Kick N’zoths face in Avel!
Well you said unbreakable, im just pointing out its not.
You have to communicate. No amount of determination stacks will help with the mechanics on this fight.
Groups 1/3/5 take the portal to fight Psychus. Groups 2/4 stay out and kill tentacles. This is the #1 thing by miles my groups struggle with. 1/3/5 always works, you can set it up in advance and make sure everyone understands what they’re supposed to do.
Use your neck before going in the portal to get full sanity. People get MC because they get disoriented in bad stuff in a portal and lose ~70% sanity and they can’t use their neck until they come out.
Tanks need to position Psychus properly so people who don’t have a move speed buff don’t have to run across the whole room to get to their bodies, or run through bad stuff to get back to their bodies.
You can. And I’ve killed most of Heroic Ny’alotha, I have an ilvl of 467, and I’ve killed N’Zoth on LFR that I had to lead after forcing people into voice coms, kicking them if they refused and actively kicking people doing less than 30k dps. If I wanted to slog my way through a heroic pug I couple even get AOTC if I really wanted to, but I other priorities on my days off and on the days I work I come home too late for that. And like I said, it’s not a priority. I only wanted to kill him for the quest. I’m happy getting gear out of Mythic+ and weekly chests since it’s better than what Heroic has to offer lmao.
I mean this alone is an admission that it’s a player problem and not a boss problem.
What can I say, I’m not an advocate of nerfing bosses just because people are dumb and horrible at the game.
Your babbling didn’t disprove what I said. Mythic is as unlike Normal and Heroic as to what Normal and Heroic are to LFR. Go do LFR and then tell me the problem isn’t the Psychus phase and general DPS/HPS. People up top STRUGGLE to kill tentacles and you have to leave most of your healers with them to deal with the excessive damage to the raid BECAUSE the tentacles aren’t going down (and they’re not interrupting/dispelling the eyes) and the damn tanks aren’t geared enough to be able to tank the big tentacle without a ton of spam healing.
O V E R T U N E D. Blame Blizzard for handing out ilvl 500 cloaks and not compensating on the requirement for that wing.