Please nerf LFR N'Zoth (again)

It’s a dev problem that people don’t want to hit buttons?

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This is explained in the second sentence.

No it’s not. You should pay attention to what you are replying to.

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Pay no attention to Sabbia - she’s just in here to troll.

Uh…how? The dude replied to a comment I made towards someone else and their comment had nothing to do with what I was talking about lol.

I just wish it would stack higher than 10 determination.

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Okay. Yeah. I don’t know why it wasn’t nerfed already. Four times I’ve wasted 3 hours on this damned thing, and I know I will waste three hours on it next week (more if I do an alt) too unless I suddenly join a raiding guild and skip LFR completely (which would be less work at this point).

The difference between this and a normal raid is that it gets easier the next week.

At the moment, I am waiting for everybody to die on the 15th attempt because the tank (who just joined) forgot to equip his cape.

Scratch that.

At the moment on on my 16th attempt because the tank that joined pulled AFTER the original tank, and half the group, left.

Scratch that.

At the moment, we are waiting for two more tanks because the other two left. A new tank joined and died on pull again.

Scratch that! Now we are in a 20 minute LFR queue waiting for people to join. It’s me and seven other people. I’m the only person left from the original group.

Scratch that. Somebody can’t operate the queue, so another person pulled to force a wipe with 7 people so we could get more people.

Scratch that. We finally got an entire new group - sans tank. Of course, that didn’t stop the one tank we had. Yep. You guessed it. He pulled.

Scratch that. We’re right around 20 pulls now. Now I am checking Atlasloot to see if there is anything I really need here.

Yeah. This isn’t a challenge. This isn’t fun. This is just painful.

Edit: 21 pulls. Done with it until next week. Screw my alts.

Scratch that. I’m never doing it on LFR again. I will just find a raid. I spent four hours in there tonight. I could have cleared normal in a pug faster than that. Seriously. Four times in there and fifty wipes. I am pretty sure the last time I wiped that many times on a single boss, it was during Wrath. Never again will I do that in LFR.

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I posted another thread about how this fight can be done on LFR - you have to take control and do three things:

  1. Have a competent Psychus tank. That means getting AWAY from the bodies ASAP. And most people don’t realize you can just drag him around N’Zoth in a circle instead of doing a horseshoe pattern.

  2. Have at LEAST 8 stacks of Determination (you’ll probably need 10) - if you survive a pull up to the point the first Mind Gate opens you’ll get a stack. People will quit, but screw them - their dps sucks anyway.

  3. This one is CRUCIAL. You need as many people as possible to get in voice coms. Discord or even the in game voice chat works just fine (to access it you click the icon next to the chat window). You click the headset icon ONCE; anymore and you will make it bug out. You will need to explain the fight to people because they’ll be too lazy to watch a YouTube video and the dungeon journal is useless on this fight. Refuse to pull until as many people as you can get get into coms. If people patently refuse because they’re antisocial jerks, vote to kick them from the raid; they’ll wipe you anyway.

If you do these three things, you will kill N’Zoth in a few serious attempts - the big thing is sanity in Phase 3, people who get the debuff just have to run to the wall to drop their anguish pools.

Oh, ps, you should only need TWO healers in Psychus’ realm, the others are the tank and 12 dps. You’ll need the other 3 healers up top to manage the raid and the tank.

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Two things you can’t count on for lfr. For them to do mechanics and their IQ level.

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LFR, as stated by Blizzard, exists for tourism. It allows 90% of the players, who do not have the time (or frankly skill if LFR is any indicator) to do “real” raiding. When Blizzard puts almost all of an expansions story inside a raid, particularly around quests involving killing the final boss of a raid, it prevents the vast majority of players from seeing that story.

In vanilla, less than 1% of players ever FOUGHT Kel’thuzad, let alone killed him. All that time and effort to create something, and almost no one saw it. Blizz saw this repeat itself again and again over the next couple expansions and realized they needed to do something to make the content accessible.

LFR provides gear because it HAS to - the gear is ALWAYS the absolute WORST and most INEFFICIENT way to get gear in any given patch. I don’t have time to raid and my gear is extremely well beyond what LFR has to offer - I did it to kill N’Zoth and to farm some transmog. That’s it’s actual purpose. What makes LFR cancerous is the hordes of low skill, very poorly geared players who try to face roll for epics because they’re too lazy to do dailies and other, more reliable, better content.

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Learn the fight, this is the exact reason LFR was a mistake. You all are too lazy to learn a very simple fight, if its not tank and spank, you cry and ask for nerfs.


looks like this wing is dead if you queue as dps… 1 hour queues and gave up.

I suppose people realized that it’s not worth it? :thinking:

I haven’t even done it yet and I still say NO. I’m in the queue right now, reading the mechanics.

Some of my fav times in LFR have been the “hard” bosses. MoP LFR used to wipe players like it was its job, especially the ToT raid. That was fun.

Have you seen Lord of the Rings: Return of the King? When Sauron’s tower falls, that’s the cinematic. One of the two won an Oscar though.


Haha that’s a great way to put it


I was thinking about trying LFR N’zoth with my holy pali. I read the mechanics.
But… well
I think I have to wait a little bit more. Like a or two months… it must be a safer bet.

Just join a pug and do normal instead. Easy.

Ah that would be better! Funny I wasn’t thinking about that option
Thanks :wink:

I still cant believe this isnt nerfed. Ive done LFR for every current raid since LFR came out & people will never learn. I remember Spine of Deathwing being out almost a year & people still had no clue how to do it. Also, there will always be first timers. N’Zoth isnt simple to explain.

Just reduce the sanity drain. Casuals cant manage multiple things at once.

N’Zoth is completely inconsistent with every other LFR boss ever & thats why I have a problem with it.

No, stupid, the issue is that it is OVERTUNED. Even when you have coordination you still need between 8 and 10 stacks of determination to have the dps to get Psychus down fast enough. Man, you people don’t even do LFR yet you feel entitled to an opinion - the very height of elitism.

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You have people doing heroic content who want the 2H sword off LFR N’Zoth because it has rank 3 twilight devastation automatically which is BiS unless you get the sword off normal or higher.