Please nerf LFR N'Zoth (again)

People talking smack about LFR needing to be “challenging” need to go fight Vexiona and see how many times they wipe lol

You are missing:

0a. Split tanks/healers/dps into two groups.
0b. Get people to understand what group they are in.
0c. Set the right path for Psychus - circling the middle works better in LFR.
1a. Target the right tentacle or the wrong one dies and things heal. Oops.
1b. Avoid/move out of Anguish.
1c. What’s interrupt anyway?
2a. Find body (halfway across map? Despite having markers and it glows people are blind) before clicking on body.
3a. Why would you lose dps time on N’Zoth and risk sanity loss during the pull phase just to use your neck there? After the pull phase is better.
5a. Before you run, kill nearby corrupted neurons to open the path.
6a. Don’t lose sanity to Paranoia or you’ll never survive downstairs with Psychus.
7a. Same issues as before, plus…
7b. I gotta run across the map to new basher tentacle spawns?
7c. What are these red puddles? I should stand in them.
8a. Did you tell them to use neck before entering portal to Psychus or they cannot use it downstairs? Oops.
8b. What? I can’t move immediately after clicking neck?
9a. Same issues as before, plus…
9c. When do we hero?
10a. Move out of Anguish.
10b. Those adds need to die? Oops.
11a. Oh, died somewhere along the way? Well just refill and reorganize groups, and explain things from the start.
11b. Boot people who are under performing or screwing up. Your lack of empathy will serve you well here.
11c. Hope you type fast enough to give instructions on the fly. Nobody is going to use voice and raid warnings are you only friend.

But other than that it’s not bad if you can get grossly over-geared and experienced tanks, healers, and dps to help carry, and ruthless, communicative leadership. Maybe take a few hours of dedicated raging at the raid unless you get lucky with composition.

Also, TIL Blizzard Watch isn’t Blizzard.

TLDR: Why don’t you actually do the fight in LFR and lead them to glory if it’s so simple. EZPZ. Log your attempts too. For science.


Just because people are really bad and dont know basic mechanics like not moving while channeling something doesn’t make the fight hard it just makes people bad.

Gotta show us how it’s done or you’re like the mage in one of my LFR groups that said only a moron can’t beat LFR N’Zoth…then remembered he didn’t have the kill yet. He left about 5 wipes in.

Get the little green “1x N’Zoth the Corruptor” in LFR and I’ll believe you (post logs)!

Who. logs. LFR? Seriously. I don’t even know HOW to get “logs”. That is some serious meter maid crap lol. At any rate LFR is FULL of people who go “lul it’s LFR bro” and then rage quit after a wipe. I’m toxic because I get angry and yell at people. The vast majority of the toxic people in LFR are people who just want to focus the boss and wipe the raid to mechanics and by not dpsing adds and when you call them out they call you an ethnic slur and log out after ninja pulling to wipe you.

Well, logs are the easiest way to see who was in the magical raid that downed the boss. So if it’s packed with your guildies that just so happened to queue at the same time and magically got into your raid, then something’s fishy.

Just google warcraft logs, and once you’ve download their program and are in game, type /combatlog and you can go from there.

im not saying that people dont struggle to kill him in lfr im saying that the fight is easy. people are just so bad that it makes it hard

I see, well, my guild has about 6 active members, only 3 of which do LFR and 2 of them are siblings and one is married to one of the siblings. Ysera-Durotan is essentially a dead realm. And I fail to see how your point about “doing it with guildies” is relevant when I’ve established you need coordination like voice coms to be able to do it. If your point is, perhaps, that all 25 people were super over geared, then I fail to see why we’d need 10 stacks of Determination. I also fail to see why they’d do it on LFR when there are no mechanical differences between LFR and Normal that I’m aware of.

See I got called an elitist for complaining about how bad the LFR population is lol.

So the fight is easy, but people make the fight hard.

So the fight is hard?

No, The fight is easy. Mechanically there isnt anything too challenging and numerically it is easy.
People are just really really bad somehow. I honestly dont know how people are that bad but they are.

Oh, most of my comments are towards Aveldruid. I’m for voice coms but I don’t think random LFR raids are much inclined to listen in.

If you have knowledgeable guild members in your raid, it reduces the chances of you having a 410 newbie for that slot. If you bring your own tanks, healers, and/or dps with you, you’ve eliminated the chance that that spot would be taken by someone much worse. So if the challenge is LFR is so easy, then you should be able to queue up solo and bust through.

25 overgeared people (assuming raid experience) will blow up LFR N’Zoth.

No reason for a 25 man preformed raid to do LFR N’Zoth, except for the lulz (or if your undergeared alts want placeholder gear and you’re already locked out of other difficulties).

Well “press your extra button every time you can” seems too hard for them so yea operating a mic is probably too hard too.

Then every raid is “easy” if you have sufficiently skilled and geared people running it right? From LFR to Mythic, raids are easy if people are good enough?

No what I am saying is that none of the things you need to do are difficult to execute. There isnt anything that has to be done super fast or precise or anything.
It doesnt matter though because you dont agree with me and thats fine.

You are 100% correct. We had a tank who didn’t know how a discord link worked - “I don’t have a server” he said. -_- And then he claimed he was getting a 404 error. Mmm-hmm. And about 10 people flat out bailed when we told them to get in the voice coms or we weren’t pulling. Like, they straight up didn’t want to be told how to play the game, so they quit. If that isn’t the very definition of toxic I don’t know what is.

Difficult for who to execute? This isn’t a single player game, it’s a MMORPG, so the failures of your fellow raiders are your failures too (until you votekick or ragequit).

It only matters because you seem to be saying that LFR doesn’t need a nerf because you think you’d be able to prevail no problem based on your own skill/gear, but never actually tried. I personally don’t have a problem doing mechanics in there, but I’d still want it nerfed because it’s a soul crushing experience right now.

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Awesome, something to look forward too! Especially after the 2 hour crucible of storms run where somehow getting everybody into the bubble was rocket science.

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And that’s the thing - no matter how you slice it - the whole “don’t nerf LFR” crowd are ELITISTS. They might not be the snobby, toxic Mythic raiders who sell runs and achievements for mountains of gold - but they definitely not only look down on people, but they fail to understand the actual PURPOSE of LFR despite Blizzard openly stating what it exists for and recognizing that the overall quality of LFR players, by and large, is TERRIBLE. And it’s not elitist to recognize that LFR players suck - their gear is by default bad and if you ask them they’re trying to use LFR as a way to get gear for their toon instead of the myriad other ways to get infinitely better gear out of sheer laziness.

LFR is NOT supposed to be hard - that is why they nerfed N’Zoth, not once, but TWICE in less than two weeks. The reality is it is STILL overtuned. LFR is for “bad kids” - that is where they go to experience the “end” of the game. It is meant for them. “Good” players with much higher item levels wander into LFR for a) transmog and b) tourism - to see the story unfold since that is where most of it transpires.

Personally I have no concern whether or not LFR players languish in a hell of their own making, same as I felt about PvPers and how much of a problem that created for PvE. What concerns me is that you have people who DO know how to play their class/spec, who DO put effort into gearing their toon the correct way going into content that shouldn’t be designed to take more than an hour and wiping for 3+ hours at 10 stacks of Determination because Blizz designed a fight that is 100% anti-carry.

No, it’s actually a dev problem. LFR rewards for this tier make it almost completely pointless to do.

As for the last boss, I’d love to see the actual success rates on it in LFR

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