Please nerf BM, valid reason

I dont care they are OP right now.

I hate that so many talk such trash after they win.

Look, you play the easiest class and do broken damage. Enjoy it and stay quiet, please. You are not that guy.


So where’s the valid reason?

they are getting to big of an ego.

humble them


And Feral doesn’t have an ego? They outclass every Rogue spec as of current balancing.

whataboutism, bring both down to earth


Eh I don’t really care about BM, I main MM and I won’t stop maining MM.

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then I imagine you’d be cool with them getting humbled

I don’t know if nerfing them will humble the player, but I guess sure why not?

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They sure don’t, rogue has tons of safety nets and feral still suffering from original vanilla stealth design

Who cares about class balance or ego or toxicity? We need less screen clutter. That alone is reason enough to nerf them. Too many damn pets in this game.

Most of those types would just move on to the next FOTM anyway

i loved getting a pst from a jungle team telling me ele was busted for a 2.1m eartshock crit after the stars aligned and i casted stormkeeper in their face…


I lose to more rogues than ferals.

Checkmate loser bm hunter

I main MM, checkmate typical alt-code username.
Womp womp.

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I feel like if anyone rage whispers they’re just sad.


they’re also mad, very easy to bait them into a ban if they whisper you by just giving them PG trash talk back

take demo with it we don’t need pet specs being the best.

Hey now. Demo isn’t that insane rn. BM way more broken.

They really are that guy rn tho :expressionless:

Black arrow still dealing 700 to 1m per use. Really needs to go and most dots need to just be lowered in pvp again like how theyve always been before tww.