I feel that in legion, it raises the question as to why blizzard merged twinks and lvlers to begin with? Blizzard could have kept them separated if they wanted to. Thats what baffles me. I never thought i would see the day when twinks were fighting levelers again, but it happened in legion. They also were merged for a portion of bfa.
The stat template exp off only option would normalize anyone wanting to pvp at a lower lvl while still pvping with decent que times against levelers, and not being super op. Then those who decided to pvp exp off without templates would be separated. Legion was nice because you could que up again like the old days and just pvp. It was awesome. Definitely think that pvp stat templates need to be reintroduced as an exp off only option. Not for levelers and not for max lvl when your experience gets turned off anyways, but just for anyone in between that turns off exp, has the option to turn on a stat template. It would level out the gear split, and you wouldnât be joining pvp for the soul purpose of oblitarating noobies, but for a more casual pvp experience.
Either way, the nice thing about making a low lvl exp off toon, is not really having to regear or re enchant ever really, so its nice.
All blizzard would have to do is have a way to que up with your exp off, and have an option that equalizes your stats if you want to que with the levelers, like a exp off stat template option. It would only be an option for exp off. Then let those queing up for exp off with a more challenging pvp experience, turn off stat templates. That would cause them to be in twink only battlegrounds and would separate the ques. Just have an option to normalize stats while queing exp off and on together. It would be fair and balanced that way.
A twink that admits what itâs all about, I like this person. Admits that smoking levelers is part of the joy.
Well itâs easy to go play another MMO if it sucks that bad for you.
im playing ds3 this weekend, i might be done with wow is bfa is the new normal
what a sad day for the genre, losing a super cool person like myself
Totally agree you are super cool.
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The idea that at this point there are multiple millions of active players is without evidence. More than 1 million but less than 2 is a better estimate.
Blizzard really needs to stop driving away paying customers because theyâre playing the game differently than Ion does and thus wrong.
They should have separate random queues for solo pugs and premades. That would solve the problem of teams of twinks steamrolling solo queued pugs.
When I twinked, I always solo queued.
Smoking levelers is probably 1/10th of why I enjoy twinking. Winning games for my team is 5/10, and 4/10 is slaying twinks who are trying to kill my levelers.