Please mesh XP on and XP off together again

10 minute Qs are boring and what is the point of an MMORPG if someones gear isnt better than someone elses. It is no different than a fresh 120 going against a full 410 ilvl 120.


These are facts and you are right.


I have a surprise for you at max-level horde. :wink:

If I had a dollar for every time I responded to weak pre-cap = cap statements… I’d probably have like six dollars. I don’t know.

Blizzard’s position on the matter is clear for the time being. It was cool for you to roll with us when templates were a thing but with them gone, ya’ll had to go too I guess.

If a template-like system would be reinstated, I don’t think people would have much issue at all with you coming back… again.


My friends and I will reup our subs if they’re merged again. Otherwise no point in playing this game.


see…a fresh 120 vs an old 120…yes the old 120 will have more power, but being at level cap, now the fresh 120 “levels” his gear.

now some will say…do the same at lower levels. Ok. As a new “0” in a bracket vs a “9” (or would have been a “twink”)…unlike at 120, if a “0” tried to get gear to complete, they just out level the bracket. Then they are at “0” again in the same spot. The cycle repeats until level cap.

Then some will say, the “0” can lock XP, to get gear to unlock and compete. If so…then they are not really leveling now are they…thus not doing the original intent.


No merge. .


well most twink brackets don’t have enough twinks to sustain a single q, so that doesn’t seem much of a loss (under 100 peeps per bracket) compared to millions of other players

a single twink can ruin bg’s for hundreds of other players, thousands given enough time

why is that worth it?


I’d rather they just remove the option to XP-Off at all, and account ban any twink filth that complain about being forced to level.

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How so? I have been in dozens of battleground with twinks on our side, and still lost.
Twinks don’t really make or break a BG.
The “twink problem” was grossly over-exaggerated.

After it was pointed out to me, I took the time to examine every member of the team in my Bg’s, and was even asked by friend’s “yo how many twinks your team have? I was just TWO SHOTTED by that twink!” Only to examine them, and see nothing but… heirlooms. Not even enchanted ones…

Brackets need to be remerged. It not only killed all but 1 or 2 twink brackets, it also ruined a way for profession based money makers like me to make gold.
It had a cascade affect that people haven’t even realized yet.


Right? RIGHT!?!

I had a 22 minute random normal bg queue earlier today.

Shush about that 10 minute :joy:

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Duderinski, no one knows how bad or good the twink situation was, why you gotta guess and claim it as fact? Blizz ran the numbers, checked the impact, looked at the subs and made their decision. And I mean, if queues can’t even pop at prime time, how many people were really displaced by separating…

Plus twinks can just roll allied and get back to business in 20 minutes or so, so no real harm done. Look at me, leveling solely through BGs and technically twinking my guts out!

Its okay hunters and mages and druids are still destroying people at low lvl

and getting longer every week

$15/mo waiting to resub.

I could go ahead and try a new bracket or do the disposable heroes thing, but right now I have limited time and energy and just want to log in and play a couple matches every other night or so.

Willing to play permitted I can get quick queues and keep my fixed character, off that gear grind for now

Why because you can’t crush lowbies?


If you’re waiting for queues to be combined again, you’re gonna be waiting a long time.

Potentially forever.

Most likely. Sadly too.

I mean, tbh you could still do this. I geared my druid all while waiting in queues since heirlooms were a good part of it’s wardrobe.

Always this argument. It’s funny since this is the same argument I saw used against world pvp and world pvp in turn suffered. ‘you just want to kill easy players’ so no more pvp servers.

It’s a shame this mentality is what is killing pvp in this game to the point that we have vs AI and people wanting to mesh the factions together in BGs.

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Hey, I’m all for this option. Have been for years now. Factions meshed would still follow the pvp rules, just not faction pvp.