Please mesh XP on and XP off together again

Can’t agree.
Faction pvp is a main point for this game and always has been. It’s not the same without it. People take the silly rivalry too far but it drives the story and pvp in general.
Getting rid of it would only damage the feel of the game further.

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It wouldn’t get rid of it per se. Think of merc mode, you don’t even know who is a merc or not. They could make it an option whether you don’t care which faction you are on.

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To be honest I don’t agree with merc mode either.
It is an easy band-aid over a faction imbalance problem they refuse to fix.


They will never be able to fix faction imbalance… and that has lasted way longer than merc…

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Oh they could get close. Small imbalance doesn’t hurt.

Just a couple examples but real server merges with two overbalanced factions.
Free transfers and free swaps to only one faction. Locking a faction on overpop servers could have been a thing. That one is a little too drastic for me but there are a lot of things that can be done if more thought was put into it.

Instead absolutely nothing was done until it was so bad they were forced and introduced merc mode to help one faction instead of both.

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Merc mode is only a random bg solution. And random Bgs are a mere drop in the bucket of subs compared to the overall game. And tbh, this is about as close as they can get merc or not.

Merc is indeed just an easy fix in a smaller segment of the game when the larger problem persists. That’s the trouble with overall problems they touch every part of the game Random BGs included.
The answer is not to simply throw away factions though.

I could see it being a brawl. I still want a free for all one for the absurd fun of it.

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You won’t be throwing away factions though. Just in randoms. Wpvp and rated pvp will still be faction vs faction (to a point)

To a point. That line gets blurred so much already.
Still going to have to disagree.
We don’t need faction meshed any more than it already is. Especially in pvp content.

I’d say we’re at a standstill then. For me, and the reason I don’t mind xp off involved, I’d like the best queue times for all. Regardless if you’re a twink, or if you play the more popular faction, queue times are what matter.


Standstill and that’s totally fine. :slight_smile:
I agree I want the best que times for all and the fairest gameplay. Normally I am only focused on the gameplay aspects so I can understand your points very well. I just don’t agree with the sacrifice of pvp between factions even in small regards and really would prefer other means.

There’s honestly no possible other way they could do this (for random BGs only) The most fair solution would be mixing factions… the more people you have to choose from, the more fair BGs get. I respect you not liking it, but at this point (almost 15 years later) they have their hands tied.

Or fair to leave it as is and people who want shorter times have more reason to roll alliance. Better if they made it easier for them to faction change to help pop instead of a merc mode or a no faction mode.

But who wants to leave people they run with in pve or rated over random Bgs? If they merged factions this would help twinks and max level tbh. They could match ilvls (at max level) and hp (at low level). On that note going to bed, gn!

I could boogie down with that. A faction meshed brawl would likely be hilarious fun. Def not something I would want to see across BGs, but a brawl would be a kick.

Unhand my orc teammate, you vertically challenged gnome, you!! lol

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Making faction switching easier would mean the people they run with can go with them. This games player base still has a very large number of more casual players. Most people run with smaller groups of friends not huge guilds. People are willing to find new RBGs and Pve groups are often for 5 and 10mans.

Not indefinitely either. The point is to have a few jump over to fix the issue. Horde still has plenty of draw to it and a good player base.
Have a good night!

For a brawl? Yeaaahh I can’t say I would mind that too terribly as long as it’s not across the board.
I did always want to punt the gnomes a bit. :smiley:

Did I post here yet? Anyway, 10 minute queues don’t sound bad at all for lower levels. lol

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I’ll take a 10 min queue at any lvl. My times have been atrocious.

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I think they should reintegrate the Qs, but I also believe there shouldn’t be such a large gear disparity amongst players. Twinks ruined the BG experience for leveling players.

It’d make more sense to reintroduce templates/scaling for sub120 PvP and still reintegrate the Qs.