Since SoD our populations have been destroyed. Please merge us together so we can have groups to play with again. This truly sucks for some of us who don’t want to play SoD.
I was having so much fun up until the release of SoD. Please help! This sucks.
Try mankrik there are at least 10 people on at one time now still.
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Whitemane Cluster lost like 60% ish but its overall very good still, imo better than before SoD because most of the coiner left for SoD.
You want a good server? Come to Whitemane Cluster
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They’ll burn out and come back. Mankirk cluster was like this for a bit, but I’ve noticed the population is picking back up again, and groups are becoming more abundant again.
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Yea SoD is a temporary game mode. It’s a fad. It might conclude to something more meaningful, but for now it’s safe to assume much of the playerbase will trickle back to era over time.
I’m enjoying SoD but if most of the toxic buttheads are playing SoD I might swap back to Era.
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Dude, I have been really silent about it trying to stoke the sod fire, but ya Era is almost sparkling clean now allied side. Gonna check horde tomorrow.
Like I see mostly normal groups doing normal stuff, and there are some normal zugs out doing stuff in world pvp, but its the same horde / allies as like a year ago before era went nuts.
My only complaint is the AV meta still hasn’t died and getting gulch and basin Q’s takes a while, like long enough that I forget I Q’d lol.
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Once SoD ends or they get bored of being stuck at 25 for another month they’ll probably go back to Era.
Many already came back after 3 days of SoD. The only thing that seems to be absent are the flood of gold DKP runs and the bots… KEK.
So the people that don’t actually play the game and then complain that there’s nothing to do after they swipe for all the epics?
Almost entirely gone from Era… Never been better to play.
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It’s too bad the RP servers are dead on Era.
Yeah Grob died in 2021 RIP.
It didn’t die, it’s in Wrath now.
All the RPers are in Wrath or on SoD right now.
Yeah, just that to me The spirit of Grob died in 2.0, and as far as Era is concerned it never got back off the ground. Whitemane is hoppin tho.
I have a 40 Shaman, 54 druid(Hi!), and a 36 warrior on Whitemane horde.
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Maybe SoD was actually Blizzard’s 4D chess move to rid Era of bots. 
Diabolical, because it was no kidding like 99.9% effective
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