Please merge classic era realms already

You said you’d do it, but you still haven’t…



they would have to unlock accounts for horde and alliance to do so.

the community needs combining, so many characters just lost in an abyss

What is this voodoo?


Small server communities would die out overnight. I have no desire to play on the over monetized meta focused main clusters.


The only thing they should consider is killing off the dead realms (are there any?)

Not talking about Grobb, that’s a special case, but actual dead realms who’re not attached to Mankirk or Whitemane.

I think by the OP’s reckoning (and Blizzard’s), Grobb qualifies as a dead realm. Folks feel like if they can’t get a group for a dungeon immediately when they decide they want one, then the realm is dead.

I dunno, the community on Grob and the way I’ve been able to play the game as a result has been a huge benefit to me. I think a lot of other folks would enjoy it if they tried it, but it’s also hard to shake that mega server mentality.

Anyway, the other side of the coin for dead servers is that they provide a space for opportunity. Just look at Deviate Delight. Blizzard wouldn’t do fresh so the players took it upon themselves to make it happen on their own. If DD didn’t exist, that couldn’t have taken place.

I did the math, Blizzard is making $4 000 000 annually off of just the raiding population of Era alone. They can not only afford to keep these servers up, they could also afford to invest in technology upgrades to allow them to hibernate zones that don’t have a player in them for low pop servers.

The cost of an empty server should be extremely low.


The current era subs are just crumbs compared to the fact that it keeps growing in popularity without input.

That’s something no other version in wow has managed to do, ever.

So there are a few extra 000s of potential value that can be had if properly managed.

So yes they can easily keep those servers up. I think the easiest solution is just to lock xfer off. (Resources should at the very least be locked to their own cluser and if there is xcluster xfer perhaps just wipe all boes from a toon or something).

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Another please don’t merge us on Grobbulus vote. We like our small server community! We all have Free Character Moves that we willingly do not take. No harm in leaving the other servers up, nor much to gain by merging us.


Other than OG vanilla / TBC nothing has compared to Era.

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Combine Defias Pillager and Skull Rock on HC
Bring in a new TBC HC and Era that we can play on loop

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What about the small realms that have barely enough players to make a BRD group lmao? Are you delusional or do you just like being alone?

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I can only speak for myself but as an OCE peasant having high/max level quests I’ve been unable to do for 2-3 weeks has pretty much driven me to stop playing era. No future in it.

Which is a shame, since it was the closest thing to an ideal version of the game I had left.

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Any realm that has that few people (and even those who don’t) still currently have free transfers available to them and have for over a year. So…

… it would seem that for some people, the answer is yes.

The more important question is, what’s it to you? These realms have zero impact on you, they’re just over there doing their thing. The free transfers off do need to be closed (with an appropriate announcement), but otherwise just play on your server and do your thing.


Exactly this. ANYONE not wanting to play on the small servers have now had a chance to transfer off. We - the remaining few - actually like it that way. The question Tubbly poses here: What’s it to you? is really the one that needs answering. If we, willingly and with open eyes choose to play on a server with low population, why does that even matter to you?


People just love to impose their will on others. It’s disgusting to me that there are those who want everyone to live the same when different people have different ideas and cultures of things. Trying to make everyone the same and “conform” to a single way of doing things is both bad and idiotic because it cripples the options that could exist and the development of new fun and interesting things.