Please make Wrathion and Anduin a couple

Oh yeah you know it’s the same person as the dwarf with a almost exactly similar name and I don’t doubt that they are also Talonel

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What is wrong with people? Why do people feel the need to have characters in relationships of any kind in video games? Who the hell plays a fantasy game in hopes of seeing real life inclusion? The game is full of elves, orcs, and dragons we don’t need real world issues included in our fantasy games too. Just leave it out and let’s kill some monsters and collect some loot

Compromise, we delve deeper into the monsters’ romantic relationships… Days of our Lives but starring Ogres!


Where have seen anything at all about Anduins gender preferencs?
How do you know he’s straight?

Would watch this and set to record just in case.

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you mean the story ogg and his lover gaah?

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That’s not mutually exclusive. We can have both.